
lycopodium n.1.【植物;植物學】石松科植物。2.石松粉。


A known amount of lycopodium spores was added to each sample to calculate the concentration of pollen ( grains / gram ) . pollen was examined at magnifications of 100 + and 400 + and identified using modern pollen collections and published atlases P2 - 1 :該亞帶木本花粉的濃度達到了9 . 79粒克,而草本植物花粉的濃度相對于p1帶有所下降,氣候條件較好,植被為草甸草原。

Examples include certain species of lycopodium and selaginella , which have two rows of lateral leaves and one or two rows of smaller abaxial or adaxial leaves 例如石松屬和卷柏屬,植物體上具有雙行較大的側生葉,還有1行或2行較小的生于近軸面或遠軸面的葉。