
lycanthropy n.1.(女巫)化為狼的妖術。2.【醫學】變狼狂〔自以為...


For example , a fighter hunting the weretiger who infected her with lycanthropy might still bear scars from the attack 舉個例子,一名戰士正在追捕傳染給她獸化癥的虎人,或許其身上還有那次被襲所遺下的傷疤。

Wolfmen in late - night movies typically curse their victims with lycanthropy , infecting them during epic rampages 午夜電影里的狼人以傳染變狼狂癥而聞名,被狼人咬到的人都會變成瘋狂的狼人。

In each such legend , lycanthropy is less a curse than a blessing ; a legacy passed from parent to child 其實,變狼狂與其說是詛咒不如說是祝福:自雙親予子女的遺贈。

Level 4 - increases the lycanthropy ' s movement speed by 12 % and attack rate by 27 % 四級-提升狼人27 %的攻擊速度和12 %的移動速度。

Level 3 - increases the lycanthropy ' s movement speed by 9 % and attack rate by 23 % 三級-提升狼人23 %的攻擊速度和9 %的移動速度。

Level 1 - increases the lycanthropy ' s movement speed by 3 % and attack rate by 15 % 一級-提升狼人15 %的攻擊速度和3 %的移動速度。

Level 2 - increases the lycanthropy ' s movement speed by 6 % and attack rate by 19 % 二級-提升狼人19 %的攻擊速度和6 %的移動速度。

Increases the movement speed and attack speed of the lycanthropy 提升狼人的攻擊速度和移動速度。