
luxuriant adj.1.繁茂的;多產的;豐富的。2.華美的,絢爛的;...


Chengdu in jinsha acient time , which forest was widespread , wild animal were luxuriant . the people mainly are engaged in the agriculture , breeding and hunting 研究結果表明:人們在森林廣布、野生動物繁茂的成都平原地區,主要從事農業、家畜飼養和狩獵活動。

Childhood is a square array arranged with luxuriant cowpea , expecting the arrival of bees and butterflies who will dance to the innocent and beautiful dream of their tiny hearts 童年是一丘茂盛的豇豆排成的方陣,企望蜂蜂蝶蝶的蒞臨,翩躚著小心靈的天真美夢。

Stump between , the grasses are very luxuriant , the water flows under the bridge , the flower windowsill , the pink wall , all shows the traditional culture of the wu dynasty s verve 方寸之間,草木撫疏小橋流水花窗回廊粉墻黛瓦,處處盡顯傳統吳文化的神韻。

In most of those opinions he had not changed since his appearance , in pink shirt and luxuriant sideburns , in richard nixon ' s justice department in 1969 自從他在1969年在理查德?尼克松的法院部門,穿著一件粉色襯衫和一臉的胡須,他的觀點大部分都沒有改變過。

The president was very pleased to see the luxuriant mountain peaks along the banks , telling chairman li that he had seen many pictures of guilin s landscape 他對李兆焯主席說: “過去,我看了許多掛林山水照片,很美。今天,到漓江一看,比照片好得多。 ”

Ascending to the crests , it reveals vistas of snowcapped peaks , descending to the jungle , it seems more like a leafy tunnel through luxuriant tropical greenery 爬上最頂端,可眺望遠處雪封的山頂,下至叢林,看起來更像是越過茂盛的熱帶植物的綠色隧道。

O ephraim , what more have i to do with idols ? it is i who answer and look after you . i am like a luxuriant cypress ; from me comes your fruit 何14 : 8以法蓮必說、我與偶像還有甚麼關涉呢我耶和華回答他、也必顧念他我如青翠的松樹、你的果子從我而得。

They are commonly known as flower - pots , given their resemblance to these containers and above all because there is luxuriant vegetation growing at the top of them 這些石頭被俗稱為花盆,因為其形狀類似容器,更主要是在它上面生長著茂密的植被。

You , verdant and luxuriant , tall and straight , grow through the temper of time : every day you greet the rising sun and bathe in the boundless croud and mist 你蒼郁挺拔,在歲月的磨練中成長,每日迎著初升的旭日,沐浴著無際的云霧。

Together , the numerous species that make up this luxuriant community are estimated to contain about 100 times as many genes as the human genome proper 而由不計其數種群一起組成的龐大系統可能包含了人類實際基因總量100倍的基因量。

Who inflame yourselves among the oaks , under every luxuriant tree , who slaughter the children in the ravines , under the clefts of the crags 賽57 : 5你們在橡樹中間、在各青翠樹下欲火攻心在山谷間、在石穴下殺了兒女。

Characteristic of the skin of a shank of ox , the simple appearance has obtained the appreciator s favor , it is popular to be luxuriant for a time 牛只頸部皮膚的特徵,質樸的外觀曾獲得鑒賞家的青睞,一度蔚為流行。

Creating the system of data - querying , picture - managing and user - managing which has luxuriant function in the visual basic program 在visualbasic程序中構建功能豐富的數據查詢系統、圖形管理系統和用戶管理系統。

Green campus the luxuriant cuhk campus is home to over 200 plant species including the majority of hong kong s most common trees 按估計,我們的校園有超過二百種植物,大部分香港常見的樹木在校園內都找得到。

Nasb : for they also built for themselves high places and sacred pillars and asherim on every high hill and beneath every luxuriant tree 和合本:因為他們在各高岡上、各青翠樹下筑壇、立柱像、和木偶。

And the remote and windy shaw college , once the headache of the nursery team , now sports some of the most luxuriant vegetation on campus 而一度頗為棘手的逸夫校園,現已是全校植物最豐盛的區域之一。

The university s luxuriant campus is something to be proud of yet lush greenery also provides optimal breeding grounds for mosquitoes 翠綠的山城,是中大人引以為傲之處,但草叢林木也有利蚊子滋生。

For they also built for themselves high places and sacred pillars and asherim on every high hill and beneath every luxuriant tree 王上14 : 23因為他們在各高岡上、各青翠樹下筑壇、立柱像、和木偶。

In the southwest frontiers of china there lie many luxuriant forests where live a great variety of plants and animals 在祖國西南邊陲,有著許多茂密的大森林,里面有著各種各樣的植物和動物。