
luxuriance 短語和例子-ancy n.1.繁茂,豐富,多產。2.華美...


Golden wares and glittering crystal cups in the extra large vip room shows all its elegance and luxuriance . the service is provided during 11 00am - 14 00pm and 17 00pm - 22 00pm . here offers most unique seafoods and dishes prepared with local specialties and you can enjoy all these beautiful things with wonderful background music 餐廳洋溢濃郁的東南亞風情,包房一律以東南亞城市首都命名,特大的vip包房,金器與剔透的玻璃杯交相輝映,盡顯高雅與富貴,在這里,您可以品嘗到極具特色的生猛海鮮及口味地道的本地贛菜,優雅悅耳的音樂環繞著您,讓您更添美食樂趣。

On the breast of her gown , in fine red cloth , surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread , appeared the letter a . it was so artistically done , and with so much fertility and gorgeous luxuriance of fancy , that it had all the effect of a last and fitting decoration to the apparel which she wore ; and which was of a splendour in accordance with the taste of the age , but greatly beyond what was allowed by the sumptuary regulations of the colony 她的裙袍的前胸上露出了一個用紅色細布做就周圍用金絲線精心繡成奇巧花邊的一個字母a 。這個字母制作別致,體現了豐富面華美的匠心,佩在衣服上構成盡美盡善的裝飾,而她的衣服把她那年月的情趣襯托得恰到好處,只是其艷麗程度大大超出了殖民地儉補標準的規定。

Film lamination ceiling series is a best selling product series of our company in the 21st century . it is made of the substrates of aluminum plate or colorful graphic board covered with imported pvc film and composite color coatings . it has the advantages of colorful surface detail , luxuriance , novelty , anti - corrosiveness , soiling resistance ease of cleaning and durable coloring 品以鋁板或彩圖板為基材,選用進口pvc膜與復涂彩色涂料復合而成,表面花紋色彩豐富豪華新穎耐腐蝕抗污漬方便擦洗具有三十年不變色等優點。

We have as yet hardly spoken of the infant ; that little creature , whose innocent life had sprung , by the inscrutable decree of providence , a lovely and immortal flower , out of the rank luxuriance of a passion 我們迄今尚未談及那個嬰兒那個小家伙是秉承著高深莫測的天意而誕生的一個清白無辜的生命,是在一次罪惡的情欲泛濫中開放的一株可愛而不謝的花朵。

It was a luxuriance of aspect , a fullness of growth , which made her appear more of a woman that she really was 也正是她豐滿的面容和成熟的身體,使得她看起來比她的實際年顯得更像一個成年婦人。

The very luxuriance of the country displeased him . 他討厭這樣肥沃的地方。

The foliage was in its utmost luxuriance . 樹葉正處于最茂盛的時期。