
lusitania n.1.路西塔尼亞〔古羅馬的一個省名,為今葡萄牙的大部和...


The oceanographer , who later found the german battleship bismarck , the liner lusitania , and other historic wrecks , has a simple philosophy . “ failure and success are bedfellows , so i ' m ready to fail 后來,這位海洋地理學家又找到了德國戰艦“俾斯麥號” 、班輪“盧西塔尼亞號”以及其他一些具有歷史意義的船體殘骸。他的人生哲學非常簡單: “失敗和成功如影隨形,所以我時刻準備著迎接失敗。 ”

The colony of augusta emerita , which became present - day merida in estremadura , was founded in 25 b . c . at the end of the spanish campaign and was the capital of lusitania 今天位于埃斯特雷馬杜拉的梅里達是于公元前25年,西班牙戰役結束后建立的,當時是羅馬皇帝奧古斯都的殖民地,也是盧西塔尼亞的首都。

Was american opinion really as “ galvanised ” by the torpedoing of the lusitania as by pearl harbour and september 11th 2001 路西塔尼亞號擊沉事件,真的猶同珍珠港事件和911事件給予美國人刺激了么?