
luna n.1.【羅馬神話】月神;月亮。2.〔l-〕 〔煉金術用...

luna moth

With cho , parvati , hermione , and now luna , rowling is happy to show them as they really are and to allow harry to react to them 秋,帕瓦蒂,赫敏,現在是盧娜,羅林很高興的表現她們真實的自我以及和他們對哈利的感覺。

The far side of the moon was not seen in its entirety until 1959 , when photographs were transmitted from the soviet spacecraft luna 3 月亮的遠邊沒被見到在它的全部直到1959 ,當相片被從蘇聯太空船月神3傳輸的時候

Media _ luna venta de art culos artesanales para la decoraci n de hogares . muestra de los productos 盧灣區圖書館設有圖書借閱部、藝術資料室、地方文獻資料室、多媒體網絡教室、少兒館等服務窗口。

Tao luna , li duihong and chen ying scored 1 , 768 points , improving the then - soviet union 1989 mark by four points 陶璐娜、李對紅和陳穎共得了1 , 768分,將前蘇聯1989年創下的記錄提高了4分。

Scientists , however , know the absolute ages of only the basins that were visited by the apollo and luna missions 不過,科學家只知道阿波羅和月球號任務造訪過的盆地確實年齡。

Queen serenity : luna . you ' ve done well on looking after the princess . something has happened , hasn ' t it 露娜,你已經把公主照顧得很好了,不過麻煩事還是發生了?

When luna reducto - ed that death eater , she probably knocked him out , at least for awhile 盧娜對那個食死徒用了粉碎咒,她很可能擊昏了他,至少是一會兒。

For enquiries , please contact ms luna ngai , project coordinator , department of comparative literature , hku , at 如有查詢,請與比較文學系luna ngai聯系。

It ' s needless to speculate whether luna was insane before or after she became a vampire 不必費心推測露娜是在變成吸血鬼之前就瘋了還是在那之后。

Global version of the la luna includes 4 more songs of sarah brightman than the euporean version 莎拉堅持欽定唯一全球版比歐洲版多收四首作品

But her madness is her strength since few are as unpredictable as luna in battle 但瘋狂就是她的力量,在戰斗中很少有像露娜那樣難以捉摸的了。

How similar are you to luna and why do you think people like her so much 你覺得你與盧娜有多相似?你為什么覺得人們非常喜歡她?

La luna del cacciatore 罐悶月神

Dear mr . luna hiki , Dear日木流奈,

Luna moonfang is a stalwart and devout follower of the moon goddess , elune 露娜?月牙是月之女神艾露恩堅定且虔誠的信徒。

Luna moonfang is a stalwart and devout follower of the moon goddess , elune 露娜月牙是月神艾魯恩堅定而又虔誠的信徒。

Tao luna has become famous as one of the world ' s most precise sharpshooters 陶璐娜以世界最準確的神槍手之一而成名

Luna is a shining beacon for the sentinel , an ever vigilant protector 露娜是近衛軍團的一盞明燈,是永不松懈的守衛。

[ left ] [ left ] luna lovegood is a most unusual young woman in many ways 盧娜.洛夫古德在很多方面是一個很不尋常的女孩。