
luetic adj.梅毒的;疫病的,傳染病的。adv.-ally

lufbery circle

What should point out is , a little venereal pathogen is likely from the eduction of ill cutting position beyond the penis , vagina , if transmit luetic hard chancre to be able to grow the other place in the body , bleb of acuteness wet wart , genital is ok autoinoculation , also can grow to wait for place in oral cavity , so although condom has protective effect , but also have certain limitation 應該指出的是,有些性病病原體可能從陰莖、陰道以外的病損部位排出,如傳播梅毒的硬下疳可以長在身體的其它部位,尖銳濕疣、生殖器皰疹可以自體接種,也可以長在口腔等部位,所以避孕套雖有保護作用,但也有一定的局限性。