
lucy n.露西〔姓氏,女子名〕。

lucy stoner

The morning of lucy darleton's letter of reply to her friend clara was fair before sunrise with luminous colours . 在露西、達爾頓給她的朋友克萊拉的回信應該到達的那天早晨,日出之前,天氣晴朗,天空中布滿耀眼的彩霞。

People were converging on the cottage from all directions, as lucy mercer and madame skoumatoff were exploding out of it . 正當露西默塞爾和肖馬托夫夫人急得暴跳如雷的時候,人們從四面八方匯集到這座別墅。

We now know that lucy is among the oldest human ancestors yet found. her skeleton is also one of the most complete . 我們現在知道,露西是已發現的最古老的人類祖先之一員,她的骨骼也是最完整的之一。

For edward she felt much compassion; for lucy very little, and it cost her some pains to procure that little . 她對愛德華滿懷同情,對露茜的同情是微乎其微的,為了保持這一點憐憫,她得忍受若干痛苦。

He went to primary school at the norman grade school and much admired the lady who was the principal, a miss lucy smoot . 他在諾曼小學受初等教育,并且非常敬佩女校長魯茜斯穆特小姐。

Bloggs smiled at the child and spoke quietly to lucy “what you've done is tremendously important,“ he said . 布洛格斯對孩子笑了笑,然后小聲對露西說:“你完成了一件極其重要的工作。”

A moment later he wondered how lucy had got past his guard, when he had thought he was disarming her . 過了一會,他想,在他自以為正在征服露西的時候,她怎么會使他失去警惕的呢。

Sally took an old quilt out there to fashion a cozy nest, and lucy deigned to take her ease upon it . 莎莉拿一條舊被去,為她鋪成一個舒適的窩,露西居然賞臉,在那上面休息。

Lucy flashed her disapproval of the sarcasm in david's voice, but tom seemed not to notice . 露西給大衛使了個眼色,不贊成他那譏諷的口氣,但湯姆好象根本沒有注意到。

Lucy heard a noise, and ran to the window. the jeep was making its way up the hill to the house . 露西聽到有動靜,跑到窗前一看,那輛吉普正爬上小山,向房子開來。

Lucy climbed on the chair, hesitated for a moment, then thrust three fingers into the live socket . 露西登上椅子,稍遲疑了一下,毅然把三個手指插進帶電的插座中。

Lucy dropped the microphone something was happening downstairs. she picked up a shotgun and ran down . 樓下一定發生了意外,露西扔下話筒,抓起一桿槍向樓下跑去。

Lucy raced the engine and threw the gearshift into forward. the jeep seemed to leap out of the barn . 露西讓馬達轉了一會,掛上前進擋,吉普猛地從庫房沖了出來。

Lucy could see in mother's face an internal struggle between concern and discretion . 露西從媽媽的面部表情看出她內心深處“關懷”和“謹慎”之間的矛盾。

Lucy was a remarkable creation, as full of loveliness and subtlety as any work of art . 露西是個非凡的美女,就象一件精巧的,讓人愛不釋手的工藝品。

Edward, having carried his thanks to colonel brandon, proceeded with his happiness to lucy . 愛德華向布蘭頓上校致謝以后,便去把他的幸運告訴露茜。

The rain was so heavy that lucy could hardly see the barn from the kitchen window . 雨下得如此之大,露西透過廚房的窗戶,幾乎難以看清外面的庫房。

For goodness'sakes, lucy marian, speak up! i can't abide children who mumble . 乖乖!露西瑪麗安,講大聲一點!我最討厭小孩子說話咕咕噥噥的。

Lucy was dressed in ill-fitting manish clothes; her hair was wet; her face was dirty . 露西身穿一套不合身的男裝,頭發濕漉漉的,滿臉泥垢。