
lucifer n.1.金星,曉星。2.魔鬼,惡魔 〔Satan 的別名...


Regaining new stable equilibrium he rose uninjured though concussed by the impact , raised the latch of the area door by the exertion of force at its freely moving flange and by leverage of the first kind applied at its fulcrum gained retarded access to the kitchen through the subadjacent scullery , ignited a lucifer match by friction , set free inflammable coal gas by turning on the ventcock , lit a high flame which , by regulating , he reduced to quiescent candescence and lit finally a portable candle 他重新獲得了穩定均衡,盡管因猛烈撞擊而受震蕩,卻沒有負外傷就站了起來。他使勁扳院門搭扣的那個活動金屬片,憑著加在這一支軸上的初級杠桿的作用,把搭扣摘開,穿過緊挨著廚房地下的碗碟洗滌槽,繞道走進廚房。他擦著了一根安全火柴,轉動煤氣開關,放出可燃性的煤氣。

He extinguished the candle by a sharp expiration of breath upon its flame , drew two spoonseat deal chairs to the hearthstone , one for stephen with its back to the area window , the other for himself when necessary , knelt on one knee , composed in the grate a pyre of crosslaid resintipped sticks and various coloured papers and irregular polygons of best abram coal at twentyone shillings a ton from the yard of messrs flower and m donald of 14 d olier street , kindled it at three projecting points of paper with one ignited lucifer match , thereby releasing the potential energy contained in the fuel by allowing its carbon and hydrogen elements to enter into free union with the oxygen of the air 將兩把匙形木椅拖到爐邊,一把是給斯蒂芬準備的,椅背朝著面臨院子的窗戶,一把是自己坐的。他單膝著地,往爐格子里放了些粘著樹脂的枝條和五顏六色的紙張,以及從坐落于多利埃街十四號的弗羅爾與麥唐納公司的堆置場以每噸二十一先令的代價買來的優質阿布拉莫木炭。他把這些都十字交叉地堆成不規則的多角形,劃了一根安全火柴,在紙張的三個角落點上火。

It had never been a good eye to see with - had long had the mote in it of lucifer s pride , sardanapalus s luxury , and a mole s blindness - but it had dropped out and was gone 明燈從來不可信,不能靠他們照亮問題。他們有毛病,有路西福的驕傲,薩丹納帕拉斯的奢侈和鼴鼠的盲目可是他們已經落伍了,消失了。

Jung believed that the cosmos contained the divine light or life , but this essence was enmeshed in a mechanical trap , presided over by a demiurge : lucifer , the bringer of the light 容格相信宇宙包括了神圣的光或生命,但這些基本要素被陷入機械的圈套里面,由物質世界的創造者負責:露西弗,明亮的光。

“ all right . we want some bread and meat , and our pipes , and a little bag or two , and two or three kite - strings , and some of these new - fangled things they call lucifer matches “行,我們得備點面包肉,還有煙斗一兩只小口袋兩三根風箏線,再帶點他們叫洋火的那玩意。

Since lucifer is from a fantasy setting , i decided to recast him in something a little more contemporary . my august a submission for the manga art exchange 因為這個人物是從一個幻想作品來的?我決定讓他穿上比較近代的服裝。 2004年八月上旬同人畫家交換作品展覽圖。

You might , from your appearance , be the wife of lucifer , said miss pross , in her breathing . nevertheless , you shall not get the better of me . i am an englishwoman “別看你那樣子像魔鬼的老婆, ”普洛絲小姐細聲說, “你占不了我的上風,我可是個英國女人。 ”

Isaiah 14 : 12 how art thou fallen from heaven , o lucifer , son of the morning ! how art thou cut down to the ground , which didst weaken the nations 以賽亞書14 : 12明亮之星、早晨之子阿、你何竟從天墜落你這攻敗列國的、何竟被砍倒在地上。

Only about a quarter of the group stepped to the right . all the others went to the left . then lucifer ordered his army , “ destroy those on the right ! 只有四分一人到右邊去,其他到左邊去,跟著路西弗命令?的軍隊?毀滅右邊的人!

[ kjv ] how art thou fallen from heaven , o lucifer , son of the morning ! how art thou cut down to the ground , which didst weaken the nations 明亮之星、清晨之子啊!你怎么從天上墜落?你這傾覆列國的,怎么被砍倒在地上?

With his original master long gone , lucifer grants his undying loyalty to the scourge to finish what his lord once started 他貪婪地吞噬那些弱小的生命,同時擊碎那些強大到勉強能夠抵御他的力量和炙熱焦土的生物。

How art thou fallen from heaven , o lucifer , son of the morning ! how art thou cut down to the ground , which didst weaken the nations 明亮之星、清晨之子啊!你怎么從天上墜落?你這傾覆列國的,怎么被砍倒在地上?

How art thou fallen from heaven , o lucifer , son of the morning ! how art thou cut down to the ground , which didst weaken the nations 明亮之星,早晨之子阿,你何竟從天墜落。你這攻敗列國的,何竟被砍倒在地上。

Why is the latin word “ lucifer ” used in 2 nephi 24 : 12 when that word clearly wasn ' t used by isaiah 為什麼拉丁文路西弗在尼腓二書第二十四章第十二節被使用,當這個字很明顯的沒被以賽亞使用?

“ i am lucifer ! “ he exclaimed . “ i am the king of this world ! i have come to make war against the christians ! 他叫?我是路西弗!我是世界之王!我來跟基督徒爭戰!

Allbright he falls , proud lightning of the intellect , lucifer , dico , qui nescit occasum 傲慢的智慧之閃電,被火焰包圍著墜落200 。沒有。

And i am lucifer 而我是路西法

He ' s as proud as lucifer and would rather starve than take a penny from anyone 他狂妄自大,寧愿挨餓也不愿接受他人的一個便士。

Ibm submitted a candidate that it had developed internally under the name lucifer 它的出現完全是始料不及的,一點先兆也沒有。