
lucia n.露西婭〔女子名〕。


Representing her country at an international art exhibition in tokyo , lucia displayed these two paintings plus a third one entitled “ umbrella 2000 “ previously shown in news magazine no . 79 in japan . these paintings were a sensational hit even during the pre - exhibition Lucia就是用此三幅畫,另一幅二年雨傘,代表印尼叁加在日本東京舉行的國際畫展,而且在預展就已經造成轟動。

Waving white handkerchiefs , they bid sister maria lucia of jesus and the immaculate heart farewell as her coffin passed by from the church to her burial in the carmelite convent where she lived for 57 years and where she died 他們揮舞著白色手帕,祝福著露西婭修女,她的棺木從教堂移去,直到埋葬在卡梅爾女修院,這是她生活了57年的地方,也是她逝世的地方,群眾都在離別。

Of the many i remember , lucia was the only one who surprised me with her youthful perversity when she took me to the alley of the toads and lifted her dress to her waist to show me her copper - colored thatch of hair 在我記得的許多人之中,盧西婭是唯一讓我吃驚的,她年輕,行為反常,有一次她帶我來到一條爬著蛤蟆的小巷中,將裙子抬高到腰間,讓我看她銅棕色的毛發。

To represent the festival of santa lucia , which takes place on 13 december , girls in white gowns held candles as rotarians ate the saffron buns while listening to sweden ' s sanna nielsen sing “ o holy night “ in swedish 在呈現于12月13日舉?的圣塔?西亞慶典時,許多穿著白袍的?孩拿著?燭,扶?社員一邊享用番紅花面包,一邊聽瑞典歌手桑納?爾森用瑞典文演唱圣夜。

Saint lucia ' s day is a swedish traditional holiday . on december 13th , one of the shortest , darkest days in the long and cold winter , sweden celebrates the holiday , in honor of saint lucia , the queen of lights 圣?露西亞節是瑞典著名的傳統節日,在每年12月13日? ?瑞典寒冷而漫長的冬天中白天最短、夜晚最長的一個日子里慶祝,用以紀念“光明女神”圣?露西亞。

At that time , lucia had entered the venue and chatted with us . she looked completely different than before she was initiated . she emitted a kind of radiance ; she was not only beautiful but also indescribably peaceful Lucia此時亦已進入會場,非常高興的與我們寒暄,印心后的她與以前幾乎判若二人,身上散發出一種光彩,不但美,而且有一種說不出的祥和。

The young men , therefore , had reason to consider themselves fortunate in having the opportunity of hearing one of the best works by the composer of lucia di lammermoor , supported by three of the most renowned vocalists of italy 這兩個青年應該為自己慶幸,竟能有機會聽到由三個意大利最負盛名的歌唱家來演出拉莫摩爾的未婚妻的劇作者的這部杰作。

The darkness shall soon depart from the earth ' s valleys thus she speaks a wonderful word to us . the day shall rise anew from the rosy sky . saint lucia , saint lucia 黑暗很快就會過去,退出地球上的山谷、河流。她說,一個奇妙精彩的世界正展現在我們面前,太陽很快會從薔薇色的天空中冉冉升起。那就是圣?露西亞,圣?露西亞。

“ of course it will not be as easy as it was for jacinta and francisco , because sister lucia has written much , “ he said . “ some texts are not yet known “當然這并不會像杰西塔和弗朗西斯科那樣輕易,因為露西婭修女已經寫了很多, ”他說, “一些文本現在還未知,但我確信她會與已經提升到祭壇榮耀前的兩個表兄妹團聚。 ”

China ' s foreign ministry warned st . lucia today thursday not to go ahead with the move and urged the caribbean island to abide by its promise to respect beijing ' s “ one - china “ principle 中國外交部星期四警告圣盧西亞不要采取這個行動,并呼吁圣盧西亞遵守有關尊重北京“一個中國”政策的承諾。

China ' s foreign ministry warned st . lucia today ( thursday ) not to go ahead with the move and urged the caribbean island to abide by its promise to respect beijing ' s “ one - china “ principle 中國外交部星期四警告圣盧西亞不要采取這個行動,并呼吁圣盧西亞遵守有關尊重北京“一個中國”政策的承諾。

At first , lucia , francisco and jacinta had great difficulty trying to share what they had seen , because the government of portugal was heavily opposed to religion at that time 起初,露西婭,弗朗西斯科和杰西塔非常難去嘗試分享他們所見之事,因為當時的葡萄牙政府嚴重地反對宗教。

And the count , humming an air from lucia di lammermoor , went to sit down on a bench , while bertuccio followed him , collecting his thoughts . bertuccio remained standing before him 于是伯爵帶著一種很輕松的神氣走過去坐在了一條長凳上,貝爾圖喬振作起精神跟上去站在了他的前面。

The second meeting , in 1991 , took place on the 10th anniversary of the attack . the last time that the holy father and sister lucia met personally was on may 13 , 2000 1991年的第二次會議,是在襲擊后十年舉行。圣父(教宗)與露西婭修女的最后一次個人會面是2000年5月13日。

Tens of thousands of people had arrived from all over portugal and from other countries to bid farewell to sister lucia and to participate in the funeral for the carmelite nun 數萬名群眾從葡萄牙各地和其他國家趕到大教堂,參加這位卡梅爾派修女的葬禮,離別露西婭修女。

Britain finally won steady control of saint lucia in 1815 , and the island slowly gained control over its own affairs and won full independence from britain in 1979 英國于一八一五年獲得圣露西亞管轄權。圣露西亞隨后逐漸取得自治權,在一九七九年完全脫離英國獨立。

Lucia de jesus dos santos , the last survivor of three children to whom the virgin mary is said to have appeared at fatima in central portugal , has died , aged 97 露西婭,見證圣母瑪麗亞在葡萄牙中心的法蒂瑪顯現的三個孩子中的最后生還者逝世,終年97歲。

Recently , another asian art exhibition was held in the city of ipoh in central malaysia , and lucia was one of the painters invited to participate in the exhibition 最近,在馬來西亞中部的怡保ipoh城市,也舉辦了亞洲畫展, lucia亦是被邀請的畫家之一。

Lucia went on to become a nun . she told the church the details of fatima prophecies , the first parts of which have common public knowledge for many years 露西婭后來成為一名修女。她向教會告訴了法蒂瑪預言的細節,第一部分多年來被群眾普遍所知。