
loud adj.1.響亮的,大聲的 (opp. quiet, s...

loud mouth

I should be the last to reject such a loud statement . 我是決不想反駁這樣一個振振有詞的聲明的。

The singing is loud and clear . 歌聲嘹亮。

Cumming laughed out loud . 卡明失聲笑了出來。

Yes, it was too loud . 哼,這也太貪嘴惡舌了。

He broke into a loud laugh . 他忽然大笑起來。

He asked in loud anger . 他氣哼哼地大聲嚷著。

Facts speak louder than words . 事實勝于雄辯。

Loud cries rent the air . 呼聲大作,聲震云霄。

Facts speak louder than eloquence 事實勝于雄辯。

He laughed loud and merrily . 他歡樂地縱聲大笑。

Did my loud snoring wake you up ? 把你吵醒了嗎?

There was a loud crash of thunder . 打了個響雷。

The radio 's too loud [noisy] . 收音機開得太響了。

The train sounded very loud . 火車的聲音震耳欲聾。

Loud applause greeted the conclusion of crass's remarks . 克拉斯的講話在熱烈掌聲結束。

We stared at one another , not daring to speak out loud . 我們面面相覷,不敢高聲說話。

The machine sent forth loud noises . 機器發出噪聲。

“ bang “ suggests a harder blow and a louder sound . “bang”指撞擊更重,聲音也更大。

The audience broke into loud cheers . 觀眾連聲叫好。