
lottery n.1.抽彩給獎法,打彩票。2.不可靠的事。短語和例子a...


Together they look like the winners of a genetic lottery . come on 他倆是天生絕配,走吧

- we ' re just looking for lottery results . - yeah , okay 我們想看看彩票的開獎號碼哦,好的

The emergence and development of china s welfare lotteries 中國福利彩票事業的發生與發展

A : what would you do if you won the lottery 如果你中獎了,你會做什么?

Uh , can i get a pack of marlboros and a lottery ticket 呃,能給我包萬寶路和一張彩票嗎?

What would you do if you won the lottery 如果你贏了抽獎,你會做什么?

45 marriage is a lottery with more blanks than prizes 結婚如同摸彩票,空票多而中票少。

She would buy a large house if she won the lottery 假如她中了彩票,她將買一套大房子。

We ' re just looking for lottery results . - yeah , okay 我們想看看彩票的開獎號碼哦,好的

The odds of winning the lottery are a million to one 樂透彩券的中獎機率是百萬分之一。

She would buy a large house if she won the lottery 如果她的彩票中獎,她會買一個大房子

A . i just won a million dollars in the lottery 我中彩票贏了一百萬美元!

Anton : why ' s that ? has he won the lottery 安東:為什么?他中了樂透嗎?

No , happiness isn “ t a lottery ticket away 并不是買張彩票,就能擁有幸福。

Harm and countermeasure of quot; lottery quot; in the countryside 對農村的危害及其治理

Have you herad about out boss winning the lottery 你有沒有聽說我們上司買彩票中了獎?

Patient : no problem , i just won lottery yesterday 病人:沒問題,我昨天剛中了六合彩。

Why do people like to try their luck on lottery 人們為什么熱衷于摸彩票?

Hmmmmmmmm ! i won the lottery and we are rich 嗯… …我贏了樂透,我們發了!