
loth adj.= loath.


While this was doing , i was not altogether careless of my other affairs ; for i had a great concern upon me , for my little herd of goats ; they were not only a present supply to me upon every occasion , and began to be sufficient to me , without the expence of powder and shot ; but also without the fatigue of hunting after the wild ones , and i was loth to lose the advantage of them , and to have them all to nurse up over again 進行上述工作時,我也沒有忽略別的事情。我仍十分關心我的羊群,它們隨時可以充分滿足我的需要,使我不必浪費火藥和子彈,也省得費力氣去追捕野山羊。我當然不愿放棄自己馴養山羊所提供的便利,免得以后再從頭開始馴養。

That it must be some of the savages of the main land over - against me , who had wander d out to sea in their canoes ; and either driven by the currents , or by contrary winds had made the island ; and had been on shore , but were gone away again to sea , being as loth , perhaps , to have stay d in this desolate island , as i would have been to have had them 我想,他們可能已發現了我的小船,并且也已發現這島上有人。又想,如果這樣,他們一定會來更多的人把我吃掉即使他們找不到我,也一定會發現我的圍墻。那樣,他們就會把我的谷物通通毀掉,把我馴養的山羊都劫走最后,我只好活活餓死。

Joshua loth liebman was the first psychiatrist to call that to our attention in a book that made the best seller list fifty years ago . it s title - “ peace of mind . “ 3 he tells about a colleague who was a professor of philosophy at the university , and he was an atheist 五十年前一暢銷書心靈平安讓我們認識了精神科醫生祖利亞,他談到在大學有一位任哲學教授的同事是無神論者,祖利亞跟他說:我們來玩玩看,我們來嘗試更深入的分析吧。

I bowed and returned the pledge ; beginning to perceive that it would be foolish to sit sulking for the misbehaviour of a pack of curs ; besides , i felt loth to yield the fellow further amusement at my expense ; since his humour took that turn 我點頭接受并回敬了他,當他的幽默上場的時候,我覺得如果因為一群惡狗的行為而坐在那邊生悶氣實在是太不明智了;另外,我覺得也讓他繼續在我的代價上尋開心實在是厭惡。

The other terror that scares us from self - trust is our consistency ; a reverence for our past act and word because the eyes of others have no other data for computing our orbit than our past acts , and we are loth to disappoint them 另一個我們不自信的恐懼來自于隨大流的想法.我們總是對自己過去的言行充滿崇敬之情,這是因為別人只能依靠這些言行來評判我們,而我們自己又不愿意讓他們失望

A reverence for our past act or word because the eyes of others have no other data for computing our orbit than our past acts , and we are loth to disappoint them 這是我們出于對自己過去的所作所說的敬畏之情,因為在別人眼里能夠用來評判我們行為舉止軌跡的依據,除了我們過往的所作所為之外別無他物,而我們又不愿意使他們失望。

But that other with mighty hands , and forcefully , kept haling the maiden , nothing loth ; declaring that , by the will of aegis - bearing jupiter , europa was destined to be her prize 而那一個用一雙強有力的手使勁地把歐羅巴往她那邊拽,而歐羅巴竟也有些不能自持,那女人還說歐羅巴命里注定是她的戰利品,這是身穿胸鎧的朱庇特的意旨。

Ministers from different opec countries have been making different noises about whether a cut is desirable or likely , but all would be loth to see their revenues eroded by lower prices Opec組織內部不同國家的部長對減少石油產量是否贊成存在爭議,但是所有人都憎惡看到因為低廉的價格而減少的收入。

Yet having built his power on fear , he was loth to admit that he had been de - clawed , and so allowed the interminable and ruinous saga of sanctions to continue 然而,依靠恐嚇手段鞏固政權的他并不愿承認自己已經雄風不再,所以也就任由毀滅性的制裁無休無止地進行下去。

But , loth to return to the jungle , the maoists might settle for much less : army posts for a few hundred former insurgents , perhaps , and jobs for the rest 但是,由于不愿再返回叢林,毛派可能會做出一些讓步:只為100多名前起義者提供軍隊的職位,并給其他人提供工作。

The waggon had drawn up under the churchyard wall , in a spot screened from view , and the driver , nothing loth , soon hauled down the poor heap of household goods 馬車已經拉到了教堂墓地的墻角下,停在一個別人看不見的地方,車夫把車上裝的可憐東西卸下來,堆在地上。

International banks are already required to file reports on suspicious activity , and are loth to criticise anti - terrorism efforts publicly , no matter how onerous 國際各大銀行已被要求對可疑行為進行報告,但無論這多麻煩,它們都不愿公開批評反恐努力。

The population of this study was the loth ? l2th vocational high school students in home economics in taipei during the school year 2000 - 2001 研究所使用之測量工具包括三部分個人背影資料調查表、自尊量表及懷孕危機量表。

America and britain are loth to do anything that might jeopardise their links with pakistan ' s army and its intelligence services 美國和英國不喜歡做些事情來損害他們與巴基斯坦軍隊和情報機構的關系。

Some of the richest universities may be using another tactic too , although they would be loth to admit it 一些最有錢的大學或許會采用另一種方法,雖然他們不愿承認。

Another reason is that it is loth to give ammunition to the protectionist lobby 另一個原因是它討厭給貿易保護主義議員(攻擊中國)提供彈藥。

But , like knights of old , aids - vaccine researchers are loth to quit 但就像那些忠誠而年老的騎士,科學家們不愿放棄。

Ruth red him , love led on with will to wander , loth to leave 戀情驅使彼到處飄泊,此刻卻滿懷友情,不忍遽然離去。

Loth to irk in horne s hall hat holding the seeker stood 來訪者深恐冒失,乃執帽佇立于霍恩產院之門廳內。