
lose vt.(lost ;losing )1.丟失,喪失。 l...


Reckless driving may lose you even your life . 亂開車甚至會送掉你的命。

As for the sea-folk, they are lost . 至于人魚,他們是無可救藥的。

A passing officer chanced to lose a spur . 一位過路軍官失落了一根馬刺。

Be sober-minded. do n't lose your head . 清醒一點;不要頭腦發昏。

Tanya had lost her usual poise . 坦妮亞失掉了她那泰然自若的神態。

He had no objections to losing hearn . 要把候恩調走,他本來也并無不可。

“i shall lose both ways,“ reggie said . “反正倒霉的是我呀,”列杰說。

Dancing has lost all its enchantment for her . 她已完全失去跳舞的樂趣。

Well , i had been wrong for i was now lost . 唉,我錯了,因為我迷了路。

This action was not lost on trent . 這種舉動對吐倫特頗能發生一點影響。

When i saw tears i lost my head . 我這個人一見到眼淚就會失去理智。

Some of them lose their little businesses . 有的卻連小買賣都混不下去。

The home team lost to the visitors 2 to 3 . 主隊以二比三敗于客隊。

Mechanical energy can be lost or gained . 機械能可以消失或者可以增生。

I guess i lost faith, and i was wrong . 我想我失去了信心,然而我錯了。

They fought tooth and nail but lost . 他們竭盡全力拼搏,結果還是輸了。

She 's starving herself trying to lose weight . 她讓自己挨餓試圖減肥。

Such behaviour lost him our trust . 他這種行為使我們不再信任他了。

He might lose his job as keeper . 他也許會丟掉他當監護人的職位吧。