
krishna n.【印度神】(象征豐收和幸福的)牧牛神訖里什那。n.-...

kriss kringle

When we arrived at puno , two fellow initiates that had previously been monks of the hare krishna society came from lima to help . during their stay in puno , one saw the manifestation of lord krishna in his meditation and was overjoyed . he had been following the hare krishna path for a decade , but this was the first time he had had such a wondrous experience 到布諾城弘法時,有兩位從利馬來幫忙的同修,以前是哈里克里斯納的出家人,其中一位在弘法期間,內在體驗看到克里斯納的化身,他很高興,因為他跟隨哈里克里斯納團體修行十多年,第一次有這種體驗。

Once during a heated discussion on some spiritual issues between the quan yin messenger and one of the newly initiated hare krishna members , another fellow initiate who was meditating nearby saw that the quan yin messenger was emanating bright light through master s blessing power . la industria , a newspaper in peru , reported our presentations of master s videotaped 有一次,觀音使者和其中一位新印心的哈里克里斯納的同修為一些概念正在激烈討論,有另一位同修在旁打坐默念佛號,他看到觀音使者散發出師父加持的很大的光芒。

On november 10 , 2002 , the bulgarian yoga association held a seminar in the capital city of sofia , and invited representatives of various spiritual paths , such as the transcendental meditation group , disciples of the indian guru sri chinmoy , the hari krishna organization , and the supreme master ching hai international association of bulgaria . each group was granted one hour to conduct a lecture 保加利亞瑜珈協會于11月10日在首都索非亞舉行了一場研討會,邀請許多宗派的代表參加,受邀團體有超覺靜坐團體印度清摩大師的門徒克里斯那團體,以及其他瑜珈團體,清海無上師世界會保加利亞分會也在受邀之列。

“ god is the light that is brighter than thousands of suns put together ; god is the melody that fills our soul with all happiness and contentment no mater where we are , what race or personality , what kind of background , or what kind of religion we have . if we want to touch god , hes even will manifest as one of us , for example , as jesus , buddha , mohammed , the sikh gurus , krishna , a master , etc . these are all the personal , individual manifestations of god for us to love , to see , to touch , and to believe 上帝就是光, ?比數千個太陽還亮上帝就是音流,在我們靈魂里奏鳴不論你是誰是何種族個性背景或宗教, ?永遠帶給你喜悅和滿足當你想觸摸到上帝,上帝則會以人的形態示現,像耶穌基督佛祖穆罕默德錫克古魯克里斯納或任何一位明師, ?們就是上帝在世間不同形態的示現,讓人們可以看見觸摸相信和敬愛。

And if we want to touch god as one of us , hes even manifests as one of us ; for example , jesus , buddha , mohammed , the sikh gurus or the krishna masters . these are all personal , individual manifestations of god for us to love , to see , to touch and to believe in 如果我們想要接觸上帝,像接觸周遭的人一樣, ?也會以人的形態化現,譬如耶穌佛陀穆罕默德錫克教古魯克里斯那明師等等, ?們都是具有人類肉體的上帝化身,好讓我們可以看得到摸得到,可以敬愛與信仰。

Therefore , hes always sends some special person like jesus , buddha , krishna , muhammad , guru nanak or the jain masters , to name a few , to show us how to remember again that we truly are the greatest beings imaginable in the whole universe 所以天父才一再派遣一些像是耶穌佛陀克里斯納穆罕默德古魯那那克耆那教明師等特使,來教我們重新記得自己真正是全宇宙最偉大的眾生。

These were krishna , the hero of the mahabharata , who also begins to appear in his pastoral aspect as the cowherd and flute player , and the divine boar ( varaha ) , of whom several impressive images survive from the gupta period 克里希那, 《摩訶婆羅多》的英雄,也開始作為牧童和吹長笛的人的面貌而出現,笈多時期有幾個印象深刻的克里希那肖像被保存了下來。

Lord krishna , the possessor of all opulence said : the learned know that abandonmenting of activities inspired by fruitive desire is renunciation and the experienced say relinguishing the results of all actions is renunciation 萬有萬福的主奎師那說:有學問的人認為,放棄由利益欲望驅使的行為就是放下,有經驗的人則說放棄所有行為的結果就是放下。

Certain vaishnava legends , especially those referring to the infant krishna , bearsome resemblance to those of christianity , and claims have been made by both hinduism and christianity that the one influenced the other 某些外氏那瓦派的傳說,尤其是嬰兒時期的克里希那,與嬰兒時期的基督相似,印度教和基督教都聲稱是其中一個影響了另一個。

On one hand this seems adulterous , whereas on the other hand , as expansions of krishna , all husbands are part and parcel of krishna and therefore ultimately krishna is indirectly married to all wives 一方面,這被視之為不貞的,而另一方面,作為奎師那的擴展,所有的丈夫都是奎師那不可缺少的一部分,從而奎師那間接地最后娶了所有的妻子。

During the conversation , krishna proclaims that he is god himself ( bhagavan ) , and at the request of arjuna , displays his divine form , which is described as timeless , that leaves the latter awestruck 對話當中,奎師那就會聲稱他自己就是神自己(博伽梵) ,依照阿爾諸那的請求,陳述出他自己的神性形態,描述成是永恒,引起了后來的敬畏。

Nimbarka , a telugu brahman of the 12th or 13th century , spread the cult of the divine cowherd and his favourite gopi ( cowherdess , especially associated with the legends of krishna ' s youth ) , radha 寧巴爾卡,一位十二或十三世紀的泰盧固婆羅門,傳播神圣的牧牛者和他喜愛的牧牛姑娘羅陀(特別地與克里希那年輕時的故事連在一起)的祭禮。

The play , performed throughout india during holi , recounts the love story of hindu god krishna and the common cowherd radha . for hindus , the fable represents human longing for the divine 這種表演描述了印度教的克利須那神和平凡的放牛姑娘拉達之間的愛情故事,在整個胡里節期間上演。在印度教里,這個傳說表達出人們對美好事物的渴望。

Since the first day of the exhibition happened to be lord krishna s birthday , it was a national holiday . local people brought along their families and friends to the exhibition to enjoy master s works of art 畫展的第一天,正是當地圣人krishna god的誕辰,全國休假一天,所以當地的人皆扶老攜幼和朋友同學一同來觀賞師父畫展。

George harrison ' s family plan to immerse the ashes of the beatle guitarist who died last week in the sacred ganges river following a private ceremony , a spokesman for the hare krishna movement said on monday 上周去世的“甲殼蟲樂隊”成員喬治?哈里森的家人準備按照他的遺愿,把他的骨灰灑入這條印度圣河。

The splendid efforts of justice p n bhagwati and justice v r krishna iyer were instrumental of this juristic revolution of eighties to convert the apex court of india into a supreme court for all indians 將神圣無比的法院,變成印度全民的最高法院,此八十年代司法改革應歸大功于巴格瓦蒂和艾耶兩法官。

I returned coke bottles for the five - cent deposits to buy food with , and i would walk the seven miles across town every sunday night to get one good meal a week at the hare krishna temple 為了吃飯,我收集五分一個的舊可樂瓶,每個星期天晚上步行七英里到哈爾-克里什納廟里改善一下一周的伙食。

Over the past several centuries , the big three spiritual leaders have been the lords christ , krishna and buddha , whose stories and teachings are curiously and confoundingly similar to each other 過去幾個世紀以來,三大精神領袖基督,奎斯那和佛陀的故事和教導相互之間都驚奇和混淆地相似。

During holi celebrants toss clouds of powdered pigments in shades of indigo , magenta , and saffron to celebrate the passion of hindu god krishna for his lover , radha 在胡里節期間,司儀會拋灑由靛藍,洋紅和金黃等顏色的顏料粉末,以贊美印度教里的神克利須那對他的愛人拉德哈的熱戀。