
krill n.(pl. krill) 【動物;動物學】磷蝦。


The stations e2 and 1 - 4 were located at the cold water mass area of the central yellow sea , which characterized by low temperature , high salinity and stable theromocline would generate a retention mechanism that promoted the formation of separate , self - supporting stocks of krill . 2 genetic diversity and differentiation of p . latifrons specimens of p . latifrons were collected from the east china sea and the south china sea . the zymogram phenotypes of aspartate aminotransferase ( e . c . 2 . 6 . 1 . 1 , aat ) , alkaline phosphatase ( e . c . 3 . 1 . 3 . 1 , alp ) , a - amylase ( a - amy ) , r - amylase ( r - amy ) , esterase ( est ) , lactate dehydrogenase ( ldh ) , raalate dehydrogenase ( mdh ) , malic enzyme ( me ) , and phosphoglweoisomerase ( pgi ) were scored (二)寬額假磷蝦遺傳多樣性和遺傳分化研究1 .本文對東海外海和南海2個站位寬額假磷蝦群體進行了分析,在檢測的9個酶系統中,共檢測到11個酶位點:天冬氨酸轉氨酶( l個位點, 2個等位基因) ,堿性磷酸酶( 2個位點, a加了和a加2各有2個等位基因) , r淀粉酶( l個位點, 2個等位基因) ,醋酶( 2個位點, es巧和est7各有2個等位基因) ,蘋果酸脫氫酶( l個位點, 3個等位基因) ,蘋果酸酶( l個位點, 2個等位基因) ,乳酸脫氫酶( l個位點, 4個等位基因) ,磷酸葡萄糖轉氨酶( l個位點, 3個等位基因) ; a淀粉酶為單態。

The order euphausiacea consists of 86 or 87 species distributed over the ocean of the world , plays an important role in marine ecosystem , particularly in southern ocean , and is the key link of marine primarily productivity and higher trophic levels . krill fisheries are relatively recent developments . 47 species belonging to seven genera of two families in krill were recorded in china seas 磷蝦是一類大型的海洋浮游動物,數量大,分布廣,是海洋浮游動物的重要類群之一,在海洋生態系統中具有重要地位,尤其在南大洋,是維系海洋初級生產者與更高營養階的主要環節之一;同時,磷蝦又是許多經濟魚類的主要餌料,近年來,磷蝦作為新興的漁業資源正引起人們的高度重視。

Among them , euphausia pacifica , pseudeuphausia latifrons and p . sinica are dominant species that play a key role in the china sea . by means of the vertical slab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis , genetic heterogeneity of three krill was investigated , in order to elucidate the genetic diversity and differentiation among them 全世界海洋中磷蝦類近90種,中國近海磷蝦類迄今已記錄2科7屬47種,其中以太平洋磷蝦、長額磷蝦、寬額假磷蝦和中華假磷蝦為主要優勢種。

Krill meal , fish meal , squid liver powder , mussel meal , liver meal , brewer yeast , spirulina , wheat flour , seaweed powder , pearl powder , astaxanthin , - glucan , vitamin and trace minerals 磷蝦肉,魚肉,烏賊肝末粉,牡蠣肉,肝臟,啤酒酵母,藍綠藻,面筋粉,海藻粉,珍珠粉,蝦紅素, -多醣體,維他命及微量礦物質。

The krill were growing better in the slope area than in the open sea area , and as far as the whole study area was concerned , they were under normal growing condition 調查期間普里茲灣海區大磷蝦在陸坡區的生長狀況好于深海區;而就調查海區這個整體來講,磷蝦的生長狀況基本正常。

Fish meal , corn gluten , wheat meal , krill meal , yeast , wheat germ , fish oil , spirulina powder , vimamin and mineral permix , glucan 魚粉、小麥粉、磷蝦粉、酵母、麥胚芽、魚油、螺旋藻粉、復合維生素、礦物質、卵磷脂、葡聚糖等。

Fish meal , corn gluten , wheat meal , krill meal , yeast , wheat germ , fish oil , spirulina powder , vimamin ? and mineral permix , glucan 魚粉、小麥粉、磷蝦粉、酵母、麥胚芽、魚油、螺旋藻粉、復合維生素、礦物質、卵磷脂、葡聚糖等。

In the tank , this cichlid can be fed small feeder fish ( live or frozen ) , mysis shrimp , krill , and worms 水族箱內飼養的六間可以投喂小魚(活魚或者是冰凍) ,糠蝦,鱗蝦和面包蟲。

Krill , in turn , are a major source of food for many sea animals , including penguins , seals , and whales 依次,磷蝦又是包括企鵝、海豹和鯨魚在內的很多海洋動物的主要食物來源。

Adelies feed on tiny aquatic creatures , such as shrimplike krill , but also eat fish and squid 阿德利以小型水生動物為食,比如磷蝦,但有時也吃魚和魷魚。

Antarctic krill oil gelcaps , 500 mg each . how many do you take 南極磷膠囊每個含量500毫克。你一次吃多少?

Whales don ' t eat clownfish . they eat krill 鯨不吃小丑魚.他們吃浮游生物