
kremlin n.〔俄語〕1.(俄國的)城堡。2.〔the K-〕 (...


The kremlin ‘ s spassky tower and passers - by are reflected in the wet cobblestones of moscow ‘ s red square on feb . 13 克里姆林宮的斯巴斯克塔和旅客的身影倒映在潮濕的鵝卵石墻上。

The strangest thing about the kremlin ' s heavy - handed behaviour is that it is to a great extent unnecessary 最奇怪的是,克里姆林宮的這種弄巧成拙的行為在很大程度上是沒有必要的。

Yeltsin shakes hands with children after his visit to a museum in moscow ' s kremlin on sept . 15 , 1997 1997年9月15日,葉利欽親切接待了來莫斯科克里姆林宮一座博物館參觀的孩子們。

The strangest thing about the kremlin ' s heavy - handed behaviour is that it is to a great extent unnecessary 最奇怪的是,克里姆林宮的這種強硬的行為在很大程度上是沒有必要的。

Despite the kremlin ' s drumbeat of anti - americanism , russians have embraced imports of american sitcoms 盡管克里姆林宮的反美主義鼓聲,俄國人已經擁抱美國情境喜劇的進口。

The state , or kremlin - friendly businesses , have taken over various television stations and other assets 國家,抑或是親克里姆林宮的企業,接管了多家電視臺和其他資產。

For more than a decade , the kremlin has waged a brutal war to prevent the secession of the republic of chechnya 俄羅斯為阻止車臣共和國獨立,打了十多年殘酷的戰爭。

The answer almost certainly lies in the ever more vicious ? and open ? rivalry among the kremlin ' s political clans 答案肯定是俄羅斯政府的各派黨羽之間惡意并公開的對抗。

The strangest thing about the kremlin ' s heavy - handed behaviour is that it is to a great extent unnecessary 最蹊蹺的是,克里姆林的手腕強硬之極,似有小題大做之嫌。

Yeltsin drinks champagne during a meeting with mass media in the moscow kremlin on april 19 , 1999 1999年4月19日,葉利欽在克里姆林宮的記者招待會上飲下一杯香檳。

Zamoskvoryetche , too , and zubovo , and in the kremlin . look , theres not half left “還有莫斯科河南岸市區,還有祖博沃區,還有克里姆林宮那里瞧,都剩下不到一半了。

Given mr putin ' s personal popularity and the kremlin ' s backing , mr medvedev will win by a mile 鑒于普京個人的聲望和克里姆林宮的支持,梅德韋杰夫將大獲全勝。

The kremlin uninjured , rose white in the distance , with towers and ivan the great 未遭破壞的克里姆林宮從遠處顯露著白色的輪廓,連同它的塔樓和伊凡大帝鐘樓。

Mystifying deals and decisions suggest that the money trail runs all the way to the kremlin 霧里看花的交易與決定暗示著資金鏈大有深入克里姆林宮的可能。

Washington supporting israel and the kremlin sponsoring enemy regimes and their terrorist offshoots 美國支持的以色列以及克林姆林宮支持的反美武裝。

In principle , the kremlin ' s drive to charge its neighbours more for gas is reasonable 照理說,克里姆林宮想要對賣給鄰國的天然氣漲價并不過分。

A bell was ringing in the kremlin for evening service , and that sound troubled the french 克里姆林宮內,晚禱鐘聲正鳴響著,鐘聲使法國人困惑。

Resurrection gate , an entrance to the kremlin , sparkles with evening lights “救世大門”是克里姆林宮的入口,此時正在夜晚的燈光中閃耀。

It is increasingly the kremlin that decides who runs russian business and finance 由政府主宰商業和金融,這越來越像克里姆林宮的作風了。