
knocker n.1.敲的人,來訪者。2.門扣,門環。3.〔口語〕吹毛...


In this process the chamber and its furniture grew more and more dignified and luxurious ; the shawl hanging at the window took upon itself the richness of tapestry ; the brass handles of the chest of drawers were as golden knockers ; and the carved bed - posts seemed to have some kinship with the magnificent pillars of solomon s temple 在喝酒的過程中,房間和房間里的家具變得越來越富麗堂皇窗戶上懸掛的披肩添上了織花帷幔的華貴五斗櫥上的銅把手就像是黃金做成的門環四柱床的雕花床柱,同所羅門廟宇的宏偉廊柱也有了幾分相似。

A post , and there a garden - fence , and here a latticed windowpane , and there a pump , with its full trough of water , and here , again , an arched door of oak , with an iron knocker , and a rough log for the 那閃光投在周圍,可以辨出這里有一根立枝,那里有一段園籬這兒有一扇格窗玻璃,那兒有一個卿筒和滿槽的水近處還有一座拱形橡木大門,上面有鐵制扣環,下面是一段粗木充當臺階。

A pretty little house stood at the top of the lane , with a garden before it , exquisitely neat and brilliantly blooming . i stopped at it . what business had i to approach the white door or touch the glittering knocker 小巷的高處有一間漂亮的小房子,房子前有一個精致整潔繁花盛開的花園,我在花園旁邊停了下來,我有什么理由走近白色的門,去敲響閃光的門環呢?

Some port knockers rely on sending data to specific udp and / or tcp port numbers , others use icmp messages , and some require a specialized client application that uses strong encryption to send the unlock sequence 一些端口敲門程序依賴于發送數據到特定的udp和/或tcp端口號,其他的使用icmp信息,并且一些要求使用強加密的特定的客戶端應用程序來發送解鎖序列。

Other hoofs and creaking wheels started behind . the blinds of the avenue passed and number nine with its craped knocker , door ajar . at walking pace 馬路旁的百葉窗向后移動;門環上蒙著黑紗的九號4那半掩著的大門,也以步行的速度過去了。

One rapped on a door , one tapped with a knock , did he knock paul de kock , with a loud proud knocker , with a cock carracarracarra cock 有人篤篤敲門,有人砰砰拍。他,保羅德科克235拍了。用響亮高傲的門環,喀呵咔啦咔啦咔啦喀呵。

What a knocker he is ; no matter what we suggest , he finds fault with it 他真是個吹毛求疵的人;不管我們提議什麼他都能挑出毛病來。

There is nothing particular about the knocker on the door , except that it is very large 門上的門環沒有什麼特別的,只是很大而已。

L ' m a complete professional . l just can ' t get over the size of those knockers 我是個非常專業的人,只是看不慣那么大的乳房

Look at the size of these knockers 看看這門環的個頭

And a door knocker ! and windows 門把手!還有窗戶!

Wendy lady , foryou we built this house with a door knocker 溫迪小姐,我們為你造了這個房子有一個門把手

At the rat - a - tat of the knocker her heart fly into her mouth 聽到敲擊者咚咚聲她的心都懸起來了。

Or shock her by making a grab at her knockers 或抓住她的乳房猛搖晃她

One that raps or strikes , especially a door knocker 敲擊者敲擊或打擊的人,尤指敲門者

Does that talk include using the word “ knockers “ 那里面有“奶子”這個詞嗎?

Alice : “ the knocker may be your girlfriend 愛麗詩:敲門者可能是你的女朋友。

The knocker is oblong in shape, and of the kind our ancestors called “jaquemart“ . 鐵錘是長方形的,象古時的鐘錘。