
knit vt.(knitted 或 knit; knitting...

knit wear

There , they found two women ; one , knitting 院子里有兩個婦女,一個在打毛線。

Category : respond series - shower hose name : pvc knitted hose 產品類別:軟管-淋浴軟管

Ceramics and knitting courses are taking shape 陶藝課、編織課等校本課程初具雛形。

I gave her a knitted shawl as a christmas gift 我送給她一條編織的披肩作圣誕禮物。

Analyzing of knitting fabric ' s density based on dft 基于傅立葉變換的針織物密度分析

Application of apparel pattern in knitted apparel 服飾圖案在針織服裝中的應用

Am i supposed to sit home knitting and purling . . 我本來應該坐在家里織織毛衣

A baby garment . - i don ' t know how to knit 打一件嬰兒衣服。 -我不會打毛衣!

Fabric supported half coated pvc glove , knit wrist 織物骨架半pvc皮手套,針織腕部

Our common interests knitted us together 我們共同的利益把我們緊密連在一起。

- a baby garment . - i don ' t know how to knit -打一件嬰兒衣服。 -我不會打毛衣!

Production of blended knitting yarn with optim fiber 纖維混紡針織紗的開發生產

Standard specification for tolerances for knitted fabrics 針織物公差的標準規范

Design and study of the shoulder pad of knitted apparel 針織服裝墊肩的設計與研究

Package : 25kg plastic knitting bag . capacity : 500t y 備案序號:魯icp備05050829號

Production practice of wool - flax blending knitting yarn 毛麻混紡針織紗的生產實踐

The knitted polo shirt is also available in three designs Polo針織衫共有三款:

Knit yarn goods - retail manufacturers fortune fashions ltd 紡織造品銷售及制造

Prototype design and usage of weft knit women ' s wear 緯編針織女裝原型設計與應用