
knighthood 1.騎士[爵士]資格[地位、身份]。2.騎士精神,騎士道...


Sir william lucas had been formerly in trade in meryton , where he had made a tolerable fortune and risen to the honour of knighthood by an address to the king during his mayoralty . the distinction had perhaps been felt too strongly . it had given him a disgust to his business and to his residence in a small market town ; and quitting them both , he had removed with his family to a house about a mile from meryton , denominated from that period lucas lodge , where he could think with pleasure of his own importance , and , unshackled by business , occupy himself solely in being civil to all the world 爵士從前是在麥里屯做生意起家發跡的,曾在當市長的任內上書皇上,獲得了一個爵士頭銜這個顯要的身份使他覺得太榮幸,從此他就討厭做生意,討厭住在一個小鎮上,于是歇了生意,告別小鎮,帶著家屬遷到那離開麥里屯大約一英里路的一幢房子里去住,從那時候起就把那地方叫做盧家莊。

He was awarded knighthood by the queen for contributions to economic science in 1997 . sir james studied the problem of optimal income taxation in a situation where individual takes the tax schedule into account when choosing his work effort and government does not have information on the productivity of individual citizens 莫理斯爵士的研究指出,雇員會因應繳交稅款的金額而厘訂自己應付出多少勞動力,但政府卻無從得知個別市民的生產力,在這種情況之下,政府如何計算出最適當的入息稅率。

Aye , there have been generations of sir johns among you , and if knighthood were hereditary , like a baronetcy , as it practically was in old times , when men were knighted from father to son , you would be sir , john now . ye don t say so 唉,你們家族的約翰爵士已經有好幾代了,如果騎士稱號也像從男爵一樣可以世襲的話,你現在就應該是約翰爵士了,其實在過去的時代里都是世襲的,騎士稱號由父親傳給兒子。 ”

Elizabeth loved absurdities , but she had known sir william s too long . he could tell her nothing new of the wonders of his presentation and knighthood ; and his civilities were worn out like his information 他談來談去總不外乎覲見皇上以及榮膺爵士頭銜之類的奇聞,翻不出什么新花樣來他那一套禮貌舉止,也象他的出言吐語一樣,已經陳腐不堪。

The roof is octagonal in shape , each side representing one of the eight moral principles : jhong , siao , ren , ai , sin , yi , he , and ping loyal , piety , altruism , love , trust , knighthood , harmony , and peace 寶頂為八角形代表著忠孝仁愛信義和平等八德,造成多數之人字形,聚于寶頂,上與天接,以寓天人合一之思想。

This lead to the creation of many sacred / secret orders and knighthoods which have always existed both in the public and as hidden societies whose names and agendas repeat through recorded history 這引致了很多神圣/秘密定制的創作物和騎士,經常存在于公眾和隱蔽的社團中,名字和議程透過歷史的紀錄而重復著。

Microsoft ' s bill gates has been given an honorary knighthood by the queen for his charity work across the commonwealth and his contribution to employment and technology development in the uk 微軟的比爾?蓋茨獲得了女王授予的榮譽騎士勛章,這是由于他的慈善工作和他對于英國就業與科技發展所做出的貢獻。

The first , sir bobby charlton - himself a former recipient of the honour before receiving a knighthood - told manutd . com of his delight at giggs ' recognition 第一個是博比.查爾頓,他也接受過這項榮譽,之后還得到了爵士頭銜。吉格斯告訴曼聯網站他十分榮幸。

The knight , who traveled in full armor , the breastplate decorated with the rose that marked his high standing in the knighthood , removed his helm 這名騎士身著全套的盔甲,胸前雕刻著的玫瑰顯示出了他在騎士中崇高的地位。

Past recipients of the honorary knighthood range from irish singer bob geldof to former u . s . president ronald reagan 之前獲得過同樣榮譽的還有愛爾蘭歌星鮑勃?格爾多夫和美國前總統羅納德?里根。

The qualities idealized by knighthood , such as bravery , courtesy , honor , and gallantry toward women 騎士品質被騎士制度所理想化的品質,如勇敢、彬彬有禮、榮譽感以及對女人的殷勤等

He felt himself god s own mad lover , and no accolade of knighthood could have given him greater pride 他覺得自己便是上帝那發了狂的情人,即使封他做騎士也不會讓他更為驕矜得意。

British recipients of knighthoods are entitled to be addressed with a “ sir “ before their names 被授予榮譽爵士身份的英國人有資格在自己的姓名前面加上“爵士”字樣。

In this day and age , perhaps he was used to the sight of impoverished members of the knighthood 在這樣的日子里,他也許對同僚落魄的景象司空見慣。

The nonexistent knight is an earthy parody of chivalry and knighthood 《不存在的騎士》故意對騎士小說進行了笨拙的模仿。

The queen conferred knighthood on the bus conductor at the press conference 女王在記者會議上授予公車售票員騎士身份。

In old days , this would win you knighthood ! exclaimed mrs linton 在古時候,這會讓你贏得騎士的封號哩! ”

The medieval system , principles , and customs of knighthood 騎士制度中世紀的騎士制度,道德準則及其習俗

He received a knighthood for his services to british industry 他因對英國工業有貢獻而獲得爵士階級。