
kindly adj.1.厚道的,親切的;有同情心的,體貼的。2.(氣...


We offered them food and spoke to them kindly , but they remained motionless . 我們給他們食物,并與他們和氣地攀談,但是他們一動也不動。

If you would kindly please to let me keep upright, sir, perhaps i shouldn't be sick . 先生,請你行行好,讓我直起身子來,免得惡心反胃。

This harmless and kindly proposal was immediately jumped on by all sorts of people . 這個好意和善良的建議立刻遭到了各種各樣人的圍攻。

Job crossed the street with a little satisfied air of importance on his kindly face . 約伯的臉上帶著一些得意的笑容跨過街來。

Birds cry plaintively before they die , men speak kindly in the presence of death . 鳥之將死,其鳴也哀;人之將死,其言也善。

She made him feel that she would judge all he did harshly but kindly . 她使他覺得,她會對他的所作所為嚴格要求,但安著好心。

Skiff miller shook his head, no longer belligerent, but kindly . 斯基夫米勒搖了搖頭,但態度已從敵對轉為友好。

“take him out and lose him,“ said the barmaid kindly . “把他帶出去,隨他上哪兒算了。”那個女招待和氣地說。

The book was kindly and favourably reviewed in the principal papers . 這本書得到幾家主要報紙的贊許和好評。

A kindly landlady is obliging and cheerful in her old age . 一位和善的女房東,她已到了老年,親切而愉快。

You have a kindly heart that understands without explanations . 你有一顆善良的心,不用我解釋你就能理解。

She parted from her young friend in the kindliest tones . 她用最和藹可親的語調和她的年輕的朋友道了別。

His wife had behaved kindly to him in return for his unkindness . 他的妻子委曲求全來報答他的無情無義。

He looked kindly down on them and patted their heads . 他慈祥地向下打量著他們,并用手撫摸他們的頭。

Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke at the buffet counter . 乘客請勿在自助餐臺附近吸煙。

Kindly leave me alone ! 勞您駕別打擾我。

He kindly made me free of his library for my research . 他熱情地讓我隨意使用他的書房做研究工作。

O'brien laid a hand on his shoulder, almost kindly . 奧勃良一手按在他肩頭上,幾乎是很同情似的。

His kindly bearing caused all the children to like him . 他那種和藹的態度使所有的孩子都喜歡他。