
kimono n.(pl. kimonos) 〔日語〕1.和服。2.和...


The background of the stage was decorated in the pattern of a huge kimono , featuring a golden sun , silver moon and many stars , which symbolized peace in the universe and the oneness of all creation 舞臺背景是一張大和服的布景,上面有金色的太陽銀色的月亮和星星,象徵著宇宙和平以及萬物同一體。

The rather arresting spectacle of little old japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt 漂浮在水上的舊式日本小屋混藏在米色的鋼筋水泥的高樓大廈中,這一引人注目的景觀正象征著和服與迷你裙之間永不停息的斗爭。

Limited company of hong kong jia dewei group is science of a collect wu of kimono of development of research , product , production , sale the diversity international enterprise at an organic whole 香港嘉德威集團有限公司是一家集科學研究、產品開發、生產、銷售和服務于一體的多元化國際企業。

During the edo period , it became customary to wear yukata , kimono made from single layers of cotton . subsequently it became possible to wear them outdoors , as is the custom in summers today 東京本染浴衣變遷與特征元為入浴室穿的和服時浴衣、起源于平安時代的一種叫做湯帷子的浴衣。

Pictures shown on television at the time showed sakamoto in the “ junihitoe “ 12 - layered kimono worn by women of the imperial household on formal occasions 當時拍攝的電視畫面顯示,新娘sakamoto在婚禮上身著的是厚達12層的“ junihitoe ” ,這是日本皇室女性出席正式場合所穿的一種和服。

Although the kimono has regained popularity recently , especially among young women , a foreign student in japan has no opportunity to wear this traditional japanese clothing 要說日本的傳統服裝,那當然是和服。最近,很多日本的年輕女性,愿意在日常生活之中更為隨意的穿著和服。

Foreign exchange brokerage workers are dressed up in traditional japanese kimonos in tokyo january5 , 2004 , the first trading day of the new year 1月5日,東京外匯市場在2004年的第一個營業日,仍然洋溢著新年的快樂氣氛。女交易員們身穿日本傳統和服,投入到緊張的工作中。

Although western - style dress has been popular in japan since the late 19th century among men , and since the 1920 ' s among women , the traditional kimono has by no means disappeared 雖然西方一直流行服飾日本自19世紀末男性,而20年代以來的婦女,已絕非傳統的和服不見了

He reportedly bought several of them expensive mercedes , one received a ? 10 , 000 kimono and he continued to pay ? 1 , 500 a month to a lover he had not seen in years 他們沒想到,這樣一個看似老實的會計師不但擁有一座秘密公寓,夜夜在尋歡作樂,而且還偷偷養著17個情婦。

“ hanbok “ in korea , “ ao dai “ in vietnam , “ qipao “ in china : every culture has their own unique traditional clothing . japan s traditional costume is the kimono 就像韓國有韓服,越南有越南的傳統服裝,中國有旗袍一樣,任何一個國家都有反映本國文化和習慣的服裝。

There was a time when no self - respecting twentysomething japanese woman with a modicum of style would have been seen out and about in a kimono 詮釋著大和民族文化的和服曾一度被認為是過時之物而受到日本現代女性的冷遇。然而,時尚之都東京如今又掀起了一股和服熱。

“ we will offer free tickets for subways , buses and 20 sites in the city for 11 days from friday to anyone wearing a kimono . “從星期五開始,我們將為所有身穿和服的人提供免費的地鐵和公車車票,以及市內20個景點的門票,此次活動將持續11天.

The girls wore the “ furisode , “ a long - sleeved kimono , while guys wore the “ montsuki hakama “ a men s formal crested kimono and a “ hakama “ skirt 的協助下試穿和服。女生試穿的是長袖和服,男生試穿的是印有家徽的非常正式的和服。

For example , a young woman would wear red and pink with floral designs in spring , while in summer , her kimono would suggest water 例如,一名年輕女子穿紅色、粉紅色與花藝設計春季,夏季,她的和服會建議用水

A young woman wears a kimono with long sleeves and an obi , a wide silk or brocade sash about 12 feet long and 12 inches wide 一名年輕女子穿和服水袖,以及與668 、廣絲綢或織錦絳約12英尺長, 12英寸寬

Should treat kimono drug , but do not have what specific at present , do not believe small hospital is alleged cured fraud 應該治療和服藥,但是目前沒有什么特效藥,不要相信小醫院所謂治愈的騙局。

However , in cooperation with the hakubi kyoto kimono institution , we were able to give the students such an opportunity 上個月28日,預定今年春天畢業的學生們,在和久美京都和服學院

The majority of young men don business suits , although once in a while men wearing dark - coloured kimonos can be seen 絕大多數男孩穿正規的西服,雖然偶爾也會見到穿深色和服的男青年。

Style changes in dress and personal adornments from han nationality women ' s of tang dynasty to japanese women ' s kimono 由唐代漢族女子服飾到日本女子和服的款式變遷