
kilter n.〔美俚〕(身心等的)良好狀態。 in kilter情...


Like her mother , linda , who pioneered vegetarianism , faced the wrath of beatles ' fans and smiled in the face of breast cancer , it will take more than the odd poison arrow to knock mccartney off kilter 象她那曾經倡導素食主義的母親一樣,不僅要面對披斗士迷的憤怒,還要面對病魔乳癌的威脅,小麥卡特尼不是一支毒箭就可以隨便把她打倒的。

In addition , human body is in afternoon 4 : 00 to 7 : 00 between the active of the hormone inside body also is in kilter , the body gets used to ability and nerval sensitivity best also 此外,人體在下午4 : 00到7 : 00之間體內激素的活性也處于良好狀態,身體適應能力和神經的敏感性也最好。

But people with schizophrenia do not respond this way , which implies that their brain circuits reliant on nmda receptors are out of kilter 不過精神分裂癥患者的反應就不同,顯示他們腦中依賴nmda受體的線路處于不正常狀態。

The ten dancers perform upon an elegantly restrained , off kilter stage with a physical prowess that deny all limits 十位舞蹈演員在一個優美有限、不平衡的舞臺上進行表演,具有一種否定一切限制的自然力量。

The suns excel at high speeds , and they were tentative and out - of - kilter , clanking shot after shot off the rim in the first half 太陽善于打快,卻在上半場比賽中發揮有失水準,投籃一次次的偏離籃框。

On britain ' s side , much was similarly out of kilter with the stereotypes 而英格蘭方面,出現與自身墨守陳規的傳統幾乎同類的混亂狀況。

So shipping cold store system is required to run with kilter , especially reefer 因此船舶冷庫運行要求越來越高,特別是冷藏運輸船。

In chapter ten we present the out - of - kilter algorithm for solving the same problem 在第十章,我們給出解同樣問題的平衡輸出算法。