
justifiable adj.1.可證明為有理的,正當的,無可非議的。2.情有...


I believe the hong kong civil service has a justifiable claim to this role and i hope i have been able to indicate why this is 我深信,作為誠信的領導人,香港的公務員當之無愧,希望我以上說的話,已充分印證這點。

For example , if you accidentally checkin a gigabyte of mp3s alongside your c + + include files , obliterate is a justifiable choice 例如,如果你意外的簽入一個mp3的文件到你的c + +文件里面,那刪除就是一個正確的選擇。

If justifiable defence exceeds the limits of necessity and undue harm is caused , an appropriate amount of civil liability shall be borne 正當防衛超過必要的限度,造成不應有的損害的,應當承擔適當的民事責任。

If justifiable defense exceeds the limits of necessity and undue harm is caused , an appropriate amount of civil liability shall be borne 正當防衛超過必要的限度,造成不應有的損害的,應當承擔適當的民事責任。

“ we recognize that employers may wish to undertake employee monitoring for apparent reasons in which a range of justifiable grounds are found 我們理解到雇主或許有明顯而合理的理由進行雇員監察活動。

This paper studies all - sidedly the special justifiable defense system prescribed in article 20 , section 3 in new criminal law 本文較為全面地分析和探討了新刑法第20條第3款規定的特殊正當防衛制度。

If so , shouldn ' t our pursuit of political equality be tempered by our justifiable desire to attain these other goals 如果是這樣的,我們對政治平等的追求能夠和我們對這些其它目標的合理追求相調和嗎?

Justifiable homicide , so it would . then sloping off with his five quid without putting up a pint of stuff like a man 身上有五鎊,然后卻連一品脫的酒錢也不付就溜掉了,簡直丟盡男子漢的臉。

This article discussed the situation of unjustifiable disclosure and justifiable infringement of privacy and confidentialility as well 本文還討論了不當泄密以及保密的合理例外等情況。

Economic optimism becoming not justifiable or supported by fundamentals leading to sudden and large market corrections 樂觀情緒過度高漲,與經濟基本因素不相符,導致市場突然大幅度調整

Robustly achieve finality of transactions in real time , or as soon as possible and economically justifiable 透過穩健及具經濟效益的系統,即時或盡快完成交易的最后結算。

Although justifiable defense and act of rescue have some similar points , they have a lot of differences 正當防衛與緊急避險雖有一些相同點但也有很多的不同。

Article 128 . a person who causes harm in exercising justifiable defense shall not bear civil liability 第一百二十八條因正當防衛造成損害的,不承擔民事責任。

Article 128 a person who causes harm in exercising justifiable defence shall not bear civil liability 第一百二十八條因正當防衛造成損害的,不承擔民事責任。

To be absent for consecutive three days without justifiable grounds or be absent for six days in a month 無正常理由連續曠三日或一個月內曠職達六日者。

Is justifiable defense relevant to corporations ' or other social organizations ' unlawful infringements 對法人等社會組織不法侵害的正當防衛問題研究

If a goal is worthy , then any means taken to attain it are justifiable 如果一個目標是值得的,那么用來達到這一目標的任何手段都是無可非議的。

Comparison of prerequisites of justifiable self - defense between china mainland and hong kong 中國內陸與香港正當防衛成立條件之比較

On the deficiency of regulations regarding justifiable defense in criminal law and its revision 關于正當防衛規定的不足及修改意見