
justice n.1.正義,公道;公正,公平。2.正確;妥當,確實。3...

justice of the peace

They proclaimed to be eternal postulates of reason and justice . 他們宣稱這些原則是理性和正義的永恒的要求。

Sending an innocent man to prison is a clear miscarriage of justice . 把無辜的人投入監獄顯然是審判不公。

Old jolyon's sense of justice had risen, as it were, from bed . 老喬里恩的正義感好象從九泉下升了起來。

Justice itself is the great standing policy of civil society . 正義本身是文明社會長期存在的重要保證。

John bernoulli said, “with justice we admire huggens. “ JohnBernoulli說:“我們的確佩服Huggens。”

He could not begin to feel that he was a fugitive from justice . 他不敢想起自己是個逃出法網的罪犯。

To do her justice , we must admit that she did deserve to win . 說句公道話,我們得承認她應該獲勝。

People should seek for justice in such different quarters . 人們會從這么多不同的角度看待是非曲直。

I must do myself the justice to open the work with my own history . 我只好先來介紹自己的生平歷史。

I tried to spare you. you will do me the justice to admit that . 我原不想跟你破臉,這你也得承認。

We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity . 我們曾經向他們天生的正義感和雅量呼吁。

The hearing must conform to the principles of natural justice . 案件的審理必須符合自然公平原則。

Committal for trial is the determination of examining justices . 押交審判是預審法官作出的決定。

The word justice is usually associated with courts of law . “公正”這個詞常是與法庭相關聯的。

She meted him justice . 她公正地對待了他。

Justice will assert itself . 正義必將伸張。

The justice of these remarks cannot, i think, be disputed . 我想這理由的正確性是無容爭辯的。

Judges cannot permit irregularity in carrying out justice . 法官執法時不允許有不正當的行為。

“there is no justice in this world,“ he wailed . “在這個世界上簡直沒有公道而言”他悲嘆道。