
just adj.1.公正的,正值的;公平的,正義的。2.恰當的;...

just so

I love just messing about in the garden . 我就是喜歡在花園里瞎轉。

She just sat there , sunk in depression . 她就坐在那里,情緒十分低落。

It's all right, we've just made a pot . 不要客氣,我們剛燒好一壺。

I was just a bundle of nerves at the moment . 我當時神經極度緊張。

An awful thought has just struck me . 我剛才產生了一種很壞的想法。

Maybe he is just one of the gloomy ones . 他也許正是那種天生陰郁的人。

Look , can we just drop the subject ? 我說,我們能不能別再談這件事了?

I was just having lunch when bill rang . 比爾來電話時我正在吃午飯。

The trees would be just bursting into leaf . 樹木一定是剛剛吐出嫩芽。

We give support to all just causes . 凡是正義的事業,我們都給以支持。

I don't know her, i just looked in . 我并不認識她;只是去看過一趟。

He is n't just fat , he 's flabby . 他不只是有點兒胖,而且肌肉松弛。

Just a few words will incite him into action . 幾句話一激,他就會干。

I just ran into him before i met you . 在碰到你之前,我剛剛撞上他。

He gripped his pistol tightly , just in case . 他握緊手搶,以防萬一。

I was just wondering about that myself . 我就是覺得這件事莫名其妙。

Poor chap , his wife has just died . 不幸的小伙子,他剛剛死了妻子。

He just read about that no-dividend deal . 他剛看完了不付股息的通知。

He just does n't know what it is to be tired . 他有一股子使不完的勁。