
jurist n.1.法理學家;法律著述家。2.法科學生。3.法律專家...


The various countries “ jurist has conducted the massive fruitful research to the causal relation question , and established many beneficial theories , but up to now still neither the project can resolve that problem carefully 各種學說理論從宏觀方面講,可以分為“一元論”與“二元論” , “二元論”在總體上說是有力的見解,也為多數司法實踐所遵循。

The “ ten outstanding young jurists in china “ award was jointly organised by the china law society , legal daily , and the china youth daily and the awardees were elected after a rigorous five - month selection process 全國十大杰出青年法學家獎由中國法學會與中國青年日報合辦,遴選過程歷時五個月,得獎者都是經嚴格篩選后脫穎而出的杰出人士。

However , as we hope jurists to become an important force in promoting the progress of the rule of law , we should also see that , as a part of carrier in the modern society , they have the instincts of self - serving 但是,在我們期待法學家成為推動當前法治進程的重要力量的同時,也應該看到法學家作為社會職業的一部分時,其所凸現的利己本能。

The “ ten outstanding young jurists in china “ award was jointly organised by the china law society , legal daily , and the china youth daily and the awardees were elected after a rigorous five - month selection process 全國十大杰出青年法學家獎由中國法學會與中國青年日報合辦,遴選過程歷時五個月,得獎者都是經嚴格篩選后脫穎而出的杰出人士。

While the population of jurists told us that , in 2017 , 2018 , china probably will be the turning point in the population will be aging society , investors , we need to own the future allocation of assets 而人口學家告訴我們說,大概在2017 、 2018年中國會出現人口的拐點,會進入老年社會,投資者現在就需要為自己的未來配置資產。

In regard to the nature of case arrangement , the writer bears the same point of view of gaojiaohongzhi , a japanese jurist , that this deed is merely a kind of ‘ technical argument ’ with respect of the regime as such 關于訴訟和解的性質,筆者贊同日本的高橋宏志先生的觀點:不過是對制度本身的一種“技巧性論證” 。

Hugo grotius ( 1583 - 1645 ) , a great dutch jurist and thinker , was not only one of the fathers of modern international law , but also the author of an influential natural law philosophy 荷蘭偉大的法學家和思想家雨果格老秀斯( 1583 - 1645 )不僅是現代國際法的鼻祖之一,而且也是一種頗有影響的自然法哲學的創始人。

The doctrine of contracting fault has deeply influenced the continental law system as well as anglo - american law system since the doctrine was created in 1861 by a famous german jurist , jhering 自1861年德國著名法學家耶林提出締約過失理論以來,該理論不僅使大陸法系深受影響,而且波及到英美法系。

Compared with the “ law in action ” by american jurists or the concept of law by anthropologist of law , the living law has communicating meaning and shows the dissimilarities 通過比較可以發現, “活法”與美國法社會學家通說的“行動中的法”以及法人類學家提出的法概念既有相通的一面,又有明顯的區別。

Feuerbach , who is named as “ the father of modern science of criminal law ” , is the germany penal jurist . the core of his theory of criminal law is the “ theory of psychological compulsion ” 費爾巴哈,一位被人們譽為“近代刑法學之父”的德國刑法學家,其刑法理論的核心就是“心理強制說” 。

Nowadays , though the debate evokes societywide reperussion , which is between the enterprise legal adviser system and the company lawyer system , jurists engaging in this field behave calmfully 目前,企業法律顧問制度與公司律師制度之爭在社會上反響強烈,但法學界對此反應較為平靜。

The issue of divided and mixed financial operation has been arising a heated argument in the circles of financial theory and business , as well as a key problem for jurists 金融業分業與混業經營問題,一直是國內外金融理論界和實務界關注的熱點問題,也是金融法學界關注的熱點問題。

In 1990 , lawyer liu was dispatched by tianjin first law firm for senior lawyer training center hosted by ministry of justice and benefited considerably from famous jurists 1990年由天津市第一律師事務所選派到司法部舉辦的高級律師培訓中心學習,學習期間受惠于著名法學家的授業栽培。

That to cogitate and understand the nature of administrative law decides the hold what jurists have of the theoretical foundation and the establishment of the basic principle 對行政法性質的認識和把握,直接關系到行政法學理論基礎的認定和行政法基本原則的確立。

In closely relation to this problem is whether law is certainty or not . accomplied by the rudiments of human being ' s rationality , jurists had made different echoes 與此密切相關問題法律是否具有確定性,伴隨著人類理性的發育,法學家們做出了形形色色的解答。

The criminal law in most countries prescribes attempted offense ; all criminal jurists try to hope to answer why attempted offense is punished 摘要世界各國的刑法大都規定了未遂犯,未遂犯為何遭受處罰即未遂犯的處罰根據則是中外刑法學者期望解開的謎團。

Many jurists fled to america before and during the second world war , thus promoting the development of american law studies 二戰及前夕,歐洲諸多法學家逃往美國,促進了美國法學的發展,卻大大影響了歐洲法學的發展,功能比較在德國的發展也基本停滯。

This paper begins with discussions of the concept of fairness and efficiency with the major reference of the views of economist other than those of jurists 本文起始于對公平和效率兩個概念的一些討論,所參考的主要是經濟學家而不是法學家們的觀點。

He dismissed both ulpian the jurist because he was a righteous man and silvinus the rhetorician , whom he had appointed tutor to alexander 他驅逐了西維紐斯和法學家烏爾比安,因為烏爾比安是一個正直的人,而修辭家西維紐斯曾是亞歷山大的指導教師。