
junta n.(pl. juntas) 〔西班牙語〕1.執政團〔指...


From the building of the aguascalientes in 1994 to the construction of the caracoles in 2003 , the zapatistas begin by acknowledging autonomous communities that rule from below , to establishing good government juntas which rule by obeying the demands of the people 由一九九四年建立亞古亞斯加利顏提斯到二零零三年蝸居之建設,查巴丁士達們起步于確立各部族建立由下而上管理的自治社區至二零零三年建立起一個服從于人民意愿為其管治楷模的好政府議會。

The bangkok post said coup leader general sonthi boonyaratglinhadurged the troops to smile to help the image of the countrysnewmilitary leadership . it carried a front page photograph of four smiling femalemilitarypolice outside the junta headquarters saying the moodhadlightened since they replaced their male counterparts 曼谷郵報頭版刊登了一張四名女軍警在軍政府總部外的合影,報紙說,自從軍方換了女士兵站崗后,氣氛輕松了很多。

Mr mahathir also added his voice to the thai junta ' s attacks on the singaporeans : “ you ' ll get nowhere with them either being nice or being tough , they only think of themselves , ” he said on thai television 馬哈蒂爾還在泰國的電視講話中,聲援泰國軍方對新加坡的指責: “不管你對他們是好是壞,他們都不知好歹,只考慮自身的利益。 ”

Condemnation of the junta has been strong around the world . on friday , people protested outside myanmar embassies in australia , britain , the philippines , indonesia , thailand and japan 世界范圍內,對軍政府的譴責聲浪漸高。星期五,澳大利亞、英國、菲律賓、印度尼西亞、泰國、日本民眾集聚在緬甸駐這些國家大使館外舉行抗議活動。

Just as there has been public outrage over beijing ' s support for the sudanese government and its ongoing war in darfur , there should be similar outrage at its involvement with burmese military junta 正如北京維護蘇丹政府并支持其在達爾富爾發動的戰爭的行徑觸怒了國際社會一樣,他們和緬甸軍政府的勾結應該同樣引起公憤。

It carried a front page photograph of four smiling female military police outside the junta headquarters - saying the mood had lightened since they replaced their male counterparts . the coup late tuesday 曼谷郵報頭版刊登了一張四名女軍警在軍政府總部外的合影,報紙說,自從軍方換了女士兵站崗后,氣氛輕松了很多。

The group , lanna action for burma , says the country ' s superstitious generals , especially junta leader gen . than shwe , also believe that contact with women ' s underwear saps them of power 該團體藍納行動聲援緬甸表示,緬甸迷信的軍頭,特別是軍事執政團領導人丹瑞將軍,也深信接觸女人內衣褲,會削弱他們的權力。

Better still for general sonthi boonyaratglin , the coup leader , and his fellow junta members to retire gracefully , forswearing political meddling to enjoy the amnesty they granted themselves 政變領導人頌提?汶耶拉卡林將軍和他的同僚集團的成員平靜的撤退,給與他們自己特赦,不再過問政治,這也是不錯的選擇。

It carried a front page photograph of four smiling female military police outside the junta headquarters - - saying the mood had lightened since they replaced their male counterparts 《曼谷郵報》頭版刊登了一張四名女軍警在軍政府總部外的合影,報紙說,自從軍方換了女士兵站崗后,氣氛輕松了很多。

It carried a front page photograph of four smiling female military police outside the junta headquarters - saying the mood had lightened since they replaced their male counterparts 曼谷郵報頭版刊登了一張四名女軍警在軍政府總部外的合影,報紙說,自從軍方換了女士兵站崗后,氣氛輕松了很多。

Vom flughafen rangun fuhr der uno - gesandte gestern direkt weiter in die 300 kilometer n ö rdlich gelegene stadt naypyidaw , die von der junta zum neuen regierungssitz erkl ä rt worden ist 聯合國特使昨天從仰光直接飛往300公里外的北部叢林城市內比都,這是軍政府新的政府所在地。

The tribes of eastern burma are suffering some of the worst health conditions in the world as a result of persecution by the military junta , a report published today reveals 9月7日發表的一份報告顯示,位在緬甸東部許多部落擁有全球最惡劣的衛生條件,這都是因為當地軍閥的苛政所致。

Why don ' t the americans come to help us ? why doesn ' t america save us ? ' ' said an onlooker who didn ' t want to be identified for fear of reprisal from the junta “為什么美國人不來幫助我們?為什么美國不來救我們? ”一位目擊者說,他不愿說明身份,因為害怕遭到報復。

The junta and those among the fickle bangkok elite who excused the coup should have learned their lesson that extra - constitutional excursions do not solve problems 軍人集團和那些為政變申辯的曼谷的精英們應該已經得到教訓了,超越憲法的行為不能解決任何問題。

Arguably , the italians managed it in the 1930s ; and argentina ' s world cup winners in 1978 received plenty of backing from the ruling military junta 有人會指出,意大利人在1930年成功地做到了; 1978年贏得世界杯的阿根廷隊也是得到了軍政府的大力支持。

Im australischen melbourne gingen mehrere hundert menschen gegen die junta auf die stra ß e . “ kein weiteres blutvergie ß en “ war auf einem transparent zu lesen 在澳大利亞墨爾本,數百人走上街頭抗議軍政府在一幅標語上寫著“不要再流血了” 。

This , and the uncertainty over how the junta would get out of the mess it had created , consigned the country to more than a year of slower growth 再加上軍團如何從他們一手制造的爛攤子中脫身仍是個未知數,使得這個國家經歷了一年多的緩慢經濟增長。

Or should it encourage the junta in the hope that , through the blandishments of modernity and economic advancement , it will eventually be coaxed to reform 或者鼓勵會議的那種希望,通過阿諛奉承現代的東西和經濟進步,最終會被誘使改革嗎?

So voters , angry at the destruction of the party many support , may reject the proposed charter in the referendum the junta is promising to hold 因此正為支持的政黨解散而憤怒的選民,有可能拒絕對軍政府將提出的新憲法進行公投。