
juniper n.【植物;植物學】植屬植物,紅松。 the junip...


A fragrance introduced by the sensuality of birch wood , bergamot and bitter orange ; juniper wood and artemisia mingle with cardamom , underlined by cold spices for the middle note ; the base note finally emerges , sensually , releasing oak , cedarwood and vetiver , as an echo of the birch wood 前香味以樺木、香檸檬和苦柑橘為主,洋溢著感性的芬芳;中段以刺柏木、苦艾與小豆蔻為主調,搭配溫涼的辛香;后段則由橡木、雪松與巖蘭草所組成,逐漸散發出感性的馥郁,回應前段的樺木香。

Lin hsiang - yi points to two similar - looking barrels , then reveals that one is more than twice as expensive as the other . lin explains that juniper and fir have different characters , and what wood is best depends on the intended function . for example , bathtubs use juniper , but fir is good enough for a water barrel 林相林指著兩個看起來差不多的桶子,但價格卻相差兩倍以上,說明杉木與檜木的不同性質,得視桶子的功能來決定最佳材質,比如說,洗澡盆用檜木,留水桶用杉木即可。

The causeway is lined on either side with a 16 - metre - wide belt of verdant lawns and hedges made up of xian juniper , jinshan meadowsweet , purple - leaf barberry and golden - leaf privet , showing with the rotation of the seasons the infinite changes and beauty of lively nature , and providing much pleasing and peaceful space for the roaming of the mind 甬道兩側分別是16米寬的綠化帶。碧綠的草坪和由西安檜柏、金山繡線菊、紫葉小檗、金葉女貞組成的綠籬,隨著四季更替,變換自然生命的無窮美妙,為游人營造出賞心悅目的精神放牧空間。

The causeway is lined on either side with a 16 - metre - wide belt of verdant lawns and hedges made up of xian juniper , jinshan meadowsweet , purple - leaf barberry and golden - leaf privet , showing with the rotation of the seasons the infinite changes and beauty of lively nature , and providing much pleasing and peaceful space for the roaming of the mind 甬道兩側分別是16米寬的綠化帶。碧綠的草坪和由西安檜柏金山繡線菊紫葉小檗金葉女貞組成的綠籬,隨著四季更替,變換自然生命的無窮美妙,為游人營造出賞心悅目的精神放牧空間。

It is constructed of special formosan juniper wood , without a lacquer coating , so that the lamp gives off a slight natural wood fragrance when lit . hung high on the wall , with its natural scent , it exudes a tranquil and carefree ambiance . the earlier desk lamp - cooling , 全燈系以福爾摩沙檜木制成,燈身表面不涂飾任何漆料,保持原木材質,點亮燈光的同時,高掛著的壁燈將散發出淡淡的檜木原始香氣,讓人徜徉在大自然的芬多精之中,享受一室的寧靜自在。

Some of the more unusual ones include a marble bath where steam is used to keep the marble at a constant temperature , and a bath made of chinese juniper , where visitors enjoy the scent of the wood as they alternate between hot water and a steam room much the way one does at an outdoor sauna 還有利用蒸汽使大理石保持一定溫度的大理石風呂,和檜木松香陣陣的檜木風呂,類似戶外的三溫暖烤箱,一泡一烘,毛細孔完全張開,舒暢無比。

But he himself went a day ' s journey into the wilderness , and came and sat down under a juniper tree : and he requested for himself that he might die ; and said , it is enough ; now , o lord , take away my life ; for i am not better than my fathers 王上19 : 4自己在曠野走了一日的路程、來到一棵羅騰樹下羅騰小樹名松類下同就坐在那里求死、說、耶和華阿、罷了求你取我的性命、因為我不勝于我的列祖。

Towards night candles were lighted round the coffin , a pall was laid over it , juniper was strewn on the floor , a printed prayer was put under the dead withered head , and a deacon sat in the corner reading aloud the psalter 入夜,在棺材周圍點燃了蠟燭,棺材上面又加了罩子,地板上撤了杜松枝,在僵死干癟的頭下面枕著一張印刷的禱文,一個教堂的助祭坐在屋角唱贊美歌。

The second stage of producing gin involves redistilling grain spirits with flavoring agents called “ botanicals “ , a reciped mixture of roots , herbs , fruits and seeds ; the most dominant flavor usually that of juniper berries 金酒釀造的第二個過程涉及到與多種調味植物一起蒸餾,包括多種根莖、野生草本、漿果和籽實等,其中最重要的味道來自杜松子。

8 semeria c . t - series routing platforms : system and packet forwarding architecture . 2002 , http : www . juniper . net . 9 iyer s , awadallah a , mckeown n . analysis of a packet switch with memories running slower than the line - rate 路由器中實際處理和傳輸的是變長ip包,因此這種包級并行交換的概念和方法更適合于在路由器中完成變長ip包的交換和路由。

A strong , colorless alcoholic beverage made by distilling or redistilling rye or other grain spirits and adding juniper berries or aromatics such as anise , caraway seeds , or angelica root as flavoring 姜酒,金酒:一種無色烈性酒,由黑麥或其它谷類經蒸餾或再蒸餾之后加入杜松子或大茴香、葛縷子籽或當歸根等香料制成。

Brazilian suma ginseng helps boost circulation and stimulates the energy banks , while oils of juniper berry , cinnamon , oakmoss , armoise and geranium refresh the senses 這支身體乳是專門為男士們設計的,富含巴西人參精華,可以幫助調節血液循環,刺柏屬叢木漿果,肉桂,橡苔香脂和天竺葵幫助你感到精神充沛。

“ the glory of lebanon will come to you , the juniper , the box tree and the cypress together , to beautify the place of my sanctuary ; and i shall make the place of my feet glorious 賽60 : 13利巴嫩的榮耀、就是松樹、杉樹、黃楊樹、都必一同歸你、為要修飾我圣所之地我也要使我腳踏之處得榮耀。

“ common juniper ( j . communis ) is a sprawling shrub whose fragrant , spicy - smelling berries are used to flavour foods and alcoholic beverages , particularly gin . 歐洲刺柏為蔓生灌木,味香辣的果實用于食品和酒精飲料調味,特別是杜松子酒。

Self - described as the “ world ' s most peculiar gin “ , this spirit is made from an infusion of juniper , coriander , citrus , rose petals and cucumber 自詡為世界上最獨特的金酒,它采用了杜松子、芫荽、柑橘、玫瑰花和黃瓜配方,它叫什么名字?

Along the way , we would see pinion pines and junipers , which are very common in terrains with dry and hot summer as well as cold and wet winter 順著此路,我們看到矮松和杜松,此地平常就是夏季乾燥高溫,冬季則是又濕又冷

He lay down and slept under a juniper tree ; and behold , there was an angel touching him , and he said to him , “ arise , eat . 王上19 : 5他就躺在羅騰樹下、睡著了有一個天使拍他、說、起來吃罷。

Evergreen branches , junipers , colored rags , wood shavings and other natural materials are also used in the decorations 常青樹樹枝、刺柏、彩色碎布、刨花以及其他天然材料也被用于裝飾房間。

Sue found behrman smelling strongly of juniper berries in his dimly - lighted den below 在下面那間燈光昏暗的房子里,蘇娥找到松子氣味很重的貝爾曼。