
junior adj.1.較年幼的,較年小的 (opp. senior...

junior college

Is that true , tina ? that i ' m on a junior ievei 是真的嗎,蒂娜?我現在是三級?

Junior : but i don ' t like studying . it ' s 2 ) boring 強尼:但我不喜歡讀書。好無聊!

Yeah . uh , this is mike , boo , junior , naps . . 嗯,這是麥克、布、朱尼爾、納普斯…

Pass , civil service junior rank promotion examination 公務人員薦任升等考試及格

I mean he was a junior executive . before today 我是說,今天以前,他是初級主管

Basketball junior show games - 4455 miniclip games 籃球少年show小游戲- 4399小游戲

But i ' d like most of them to be marlin junior 但是我愿意把其他的都叫做小瑪林

Mental state education in junior middle schools 初中階段開展心理素質教育的必要性

A letter of appreciation from lunghshan junior high school 山國中致贈感謝狀一紙

Elite training for grass - root level juniors ; and 為草根階層的青少年提供精英訓練

A survey extracurricular reading in junior middle school 初中生課外閱讀狀況調查

Mathematics competition of junior high school of shandong in 杯全國初中數學競賽

Recruiting : junior , mid and senior level positions 1人員招聘:普通及中高級職位

Concert i - junior strings , bands and chinese orchestras 音樂會i -少年中管弦樂團

With typical cook generosity, he provided a team of two principal scientific officers, as well as junior staff and resources for the sole use of mi5 . 庫克以典型的慷慨風度將一個由兩名主科學官員組成的小組以及一些低級工作人員和財力物力撥給軍情5局專用。

The trend in many other countries is toward the college-trained manager who gets experience in junior management positions after graduation . 許多其他國家傾向于培養受過高等教育的經理,待他們畢業后再到基層的管理工作崗位去積累經驗。

It was interesting that, when junior roosevelt and ethel got their divorce, he didn't marry that aggressive socialite, but susanne perrin . 有趣的是,小羅斯福同伊塞爾離婚后,但并沒有娶那位很主動的交際花,而是娶了蘇姍娜佩林。

One of the many bitter lessons she learnt in her years as a junior minister was never to accept advice without double checking it herself . 她在作政務次官時學到的一個經驗是,對各種意見的可靠性都要核實,否則不能輕易采納。

Pug had at first glance taken for junior lieutenants a couple of young men sporting the gilt collar leaves of lieutenant commanders . 有兩個年輕人神氣活現地戴著海軍少校的鍍金領章,帕格乍看之下,還當他們是中尉呢。