
jungle n.1.(熱帶的)叢林,密林,莽叢。2.〔the J-〕...

jungle fever

Some wild pheasants love impenetrable jungles 有些野雉喜歡生活在密密的叢林里。

They ' ll stay in the jungle . they ' ll learn to hunt 他們呆在森林,他們會學會捕獵

Four jungle adventure games - 4455 miniclip games 叢林冒險之四小游戲- 4399小游戲

Some were strong enough to survive in this jungle environment without adopting the ways of the jungle; others were not . 有些人很堅強,能在這種弱肉強食的環境里活下去,而不按弱肉強食的原則行事,另外一些人則不行。

As sinclair later lamented, the jungle appealed to the stomachs rather than the hearts of the american people . 正如辛克萊后來哀嘆:《屠場》與其說是訴諸美國人民的心靈,不如說是訴諸他們的胃口。

The general watched the constant activity of men and trucks out of all the bivouacs in the jungle adjacent to the beach . 將軍每天也親眼看到海灘附近一帶的叢林里各個營地上出人出車,忙忙碌碌。

With a fluttery wave of the hand, she turned and made her way through the jungle of tables toward the back of the room . 她揮了一揮胳膊就轉身,穿過許多參差不齊的桌子,朝房子后邊走去。

For a few instant they might concentrate on the constant thrumming that emanated from the jungle . 他們有時倒聽出耳邊有輕輕的夜籟,于是就會細聽。那蕭蕭的聲息都來自林間,老是一個調子。

This was what closed his mouth now--now that the jungle had been threshed to vacancy and that the beast had stolen away . 既然叢林已化為烏有,野獸也已偷偷離去,他也就因此緘口不談。

For nearly a decade they had been building a road through the forbidding mountains and jungles bordering the two countries . 近十年來他們在兩國邊界附近穿過深山密林修筑一條公路。

When the heat of the day wore off we went for a long tramp in the jungle and came back wet to the skin . 等到白天的熱氣消了以后,我們到叢林里去走了半天,回來時兩人都汗流浹背。

The night crawled slowly like a wounded snake, and the silence of a dead world was on the jungle . 夜象一條受了傷的大莽蛇慢慢地向前爬行著。整個叢林是一個死寂的世界。

The sun obscured by overcast, refracted from the jungle and heated the moist dark air . 云翳蔽空,日色朦朧,經叢林這么一反射,又陰又濕的空氣就給烤得熱烘烘的。

He suddenly felt the jungle was protective, a butter against all the demands that would be made . 他忽發奇想,覺得這叢林倒可以保護他,免得他再受種種煎逼。

We had a glimpse of the towering multitude of trees, of the immense matted jungle . 我們這才看清那片參天的樹林,無邊無際的枝蔓纏繞在一起的叢莽。

The harsh slapping sound came out of the jungle and was followed by another discharge . 從林里突然響起了那種刺耳的響聲,緊接著又是一響。

Past botoi some of the densest jungle forests on anopopei grew virtually into the water . 過了坊遠灣,島上的莽莽叢林便幾乎直長到水中。

The ho chi minh trail was hacked through jungles covering the southern half of laos . 所謂胡志明小道是在老撾南部的密林中開辟出來的。

But no doubt it was all part of the strain of life in the bureaucratic jungle . 但是,毫無疑問,這完全是官場中勾心斗角生活的一部分。