
juneau n.朱諾〔美國阿拉斯加州的首府〕。


Communication protocols / agreements between uscg / vessel owners / operators requiring all vessel masters to immediately radio the uscg tracking center ( rescue coordination center - juneau ) when / if any situation arises that could lead to a casualty - including any engine problem , steerage problem , hull integrity issue , any other mechanical problem of potential consequence , etc 海岸警衛隊和船主或承運商同意雙方簽訂通信協議,這樣如果有情況發生,能得到及時的救援,這些情況包括發動機問題,船舵問題,以及其他一些潛在的機械故障等。

Juneau - nestled between mountains and sea , alaska s capital city has a rustic charm that s blend of cosmopolitan and frontier styles 朱諾juneau -阿拉斯加的首都,有著邊境遼闊的迷人純樸風格。

Vancouver - inside passage - juneau , skagway , hubbard glacier bay glacier , ketchikan , sika college fjords - anchorage 溫哥華內灣航道肯奇坎朱諾史格威冰河灣國家公園大學峽灣26冰河安克拉治

Honolulu is the capital of haiwaii and juneau is the capital of alaska 火奴魯魯是夏威夷的首府,朱諾是阿拉斯加的首府。