
juke vt.(美式橄欖球賽中)用假動作誘使(對方球員)離位。


I remember the lyrics to songs , like the rancheros i heard played on the juke box in the cantina across from where i slept in mexico , and the names of special foods i like to eat and therefore want to be able to order 我會記得歌詞,就像我以前墨西哥住處對面一家餐廳內點唱機常播放的歌詞,還有我喜歡的特殊食物名稱,因為這樣可以讓我在點菜時用上。

There is even a bible - based juke box that plays your favourite biblical passages 甚至還有一種基于《圣經》的投幣式自動播放點唱機,可以演唱你最喜歡的圣經段落。

At that juke joint where she sings 這一切都存在