
jujube n.1.【植物;植物學】棗子;棗樹;棗屬植物;棗醬。2....


Research on the structural characteristic and diversity of insect community in jujube yards 不同棗齡昆蟲群落結構特征及多樣性研究

Huanghua brumal jujube 黃驊冬棗

Dried crystal jujube 水晶棗棗脯

Domestication and transplantation of miropropagated shoots of winter jujube variety lubeidongzao 冬棗試管苗馴化及移植條件研究

Studies on the structure and characteristics of major natural enemies community in jujube yards 棗園天敵群落結構與特征的研究

Effect of caci2 and 6 - ba on membrane lipid peroxidation of postharvest jujube fruits 處理對棗果實采后膜脂過氧化作用的影響

The diversity of biomass of arthropod community in jujube yard ecosystems 棗園節肢動物群落的數量與生物量多樣性特征分析

The acknowledgment plaque erected in front of each of the two donated common jujube trees 豎立于古棗樹前的說明牌匾。

The damage of anoplophora chinensis to xuecheng jujube dongzao and its bionomics 星天牛對薛城冬棗的危害及其生物學特性

Techniques for culture of jujube strain dongzao worked on jujube variety jinsixiaozao 金絲小棗改接冬棗后的栽培技術

Soak and wash the apricot seeds , fungus , jujube and figs with warm water 將南北杏、雪耳、蜜棗和無花果用溫水浸洗。

Survey on freeze injury to jujube trees in zhangye municipality , kansu province in 2003年甘肅省張掖市棗樹凍害調查

A study on thick liquid disease fruit of dongzao jujube ziziphus jujube mill after harvest 冬棗采后漿胞病定性研究

Pollen number and its germination rate of different chinese jujube cultivars 棗不同品種花粉量和花粉萌發率的研究

Studies on the structureal characteristics of the pest community in the jujube yard 棗園害蟲群落結構特征的研究

Korean honey red jujube tea 韓國蜂蜜紅棗茶1kg樽

The product of designations of origin or geographical indications zhanhua brumal jujube 原產地域產品沾化冬棗

Jujubes , lollipops , milk chocolate 棗糖,牛奶巧克力

Initial report on test on regulation of ripening stage of lubeidongzao jujube 魯北冬棗成熟期調節試驗初報