
judicial adj.1.司法的,審判上的。2.審判員的;法官的;法院...

judicial chemistry

Principle of judicial independence and judicial reform 司法獨立原則和司法改革

On the judicial assistance of the corporation deadlock 公司僵局及相關問題探討

On judicial function of wto dispute solution mechanism 國際貿易爭端解決機制的演進

He applied for judicial review to quash the order 他申請司法檢查廢止該命令。

On judicial examination for administrative legislation 論對行政立法的司法審查

Courthouse a building housing judicial courts 法院大樓,司法法院所在的大樓。

On judicial identification of the true and false evidence 論票據真偽之司法鑒定

Discussion on the legislative power of judicial expertise 司法鑒定立法權屬初探

The legal and judicial systems have been maintained 法律和司法制度得以保留。

On the judicial application about credit card crime 關于信用卡犯罪立法修正的探討

Doctrine of claim preclusions in judicial reviews 行政訴訟中的既判力及司法實踐

On china ' s judicial review after china ' s entry into wto 論入世后我國的司法審查

Judicial value of cirumstance crime in chinese criminal law 對不作為犯罪的思考

Brief introduction to german juvenile judicial protection 德國少年司法保護簡述

On the scoiety ruled by law improing judicial justice 論法治社會與促進司法公正

The realization of judge culture and judicial justice 論法官文化與司法公正的實現

And what are the problems with judicial practice 目前在司法實踐中存在哪些問題?

On judicial identification of offense related to booties 淺論贓物犯罪的司法認定

Analysis on moral factor during the judicial procedure 試析司法過程中的道德因素