
judd n.賈德〔姓氏〕。


Oscar winner kevin kline the ice storm is “ perfection “ rolling stone as the elegant and deeply complex porter in a film that offers “ knockout performance “ gene shalit from natalie cole , elvis costello , sherryl crow , diana krall , alanis morissette and robbie williams , and “ melancholy , wi and stule to burn “ the philadelphia inquirer ! from paris to venice to broadway to hollywood , the lives of cole kline and linda ashley judd porter were never less than glamorous and wildly unconventional 奇云格連飾演的波特以舞臺劇觀眾的角度回顧自己的一生,透過一首首由當今樂壇巨星演繹膾炙人口的優雅旋律如let s do it let s fall in love及it s de - lovely等等,一幕幕精采片段,重現波特與妻子同志愛人錯綜復雜的關系。

We prepared amorphous zn0 . 3 al0 . 25 pbo . 3 li0 . 098 ybo . i tmo . 002 f2 . 354 and zn0 . 3 al0 . 25 pbo . 3 li0 . 09 ybo . i er0 . 01 f2 . 37 materials by pulsed laser deposition , investigated the origins of enhancement of ultraviolet and violet upconversion and built the relations between ultraviolet ( or violet ) upconversion and the judd - ofelt parameters . in addition , ultraviolet and blue upconversion stimulated emissions from zn0 . 3 alo . 25 pb0 . 3 li0 . 098 yb0 . 1 tm0 . 002 f2 . 354 powder were observed 在成功地制備出優異的紫色和紫外上轉換激光材料的基礎上,不僅研究了材料的紫外上轉換受激發射性質,而且還探討了紫色和紫外上轉換發光性能和基質材料結構的相關性,建立了紫色和紫外上轉換發光性能和judd - offelt參數的關系。

They rocketed to fame as the country duo , the judds , and little sister ashley was afforded the chance to attended the university of kentucky , from which she graduated with honors in 1990 judd , then , on her singer - sisters advice , went directly to los angeles at age 23 , where her impressive self - assurance got her an immediate agency contract 家境的改變才使阿什莉有了受正規教育的機會,她進了肯塔基州立大學學習法語。畢業后的阿什莉聽從姐姐的忠告,開始向好萊塢進軍。她憑借非凡的膽量和自信心去尋找代理機構簽約,不久,便有第一次試鏡機會。

Mr . gary good is president of the resource company - gary good entertainment , which has existed for 30 years , and works with celebrities and other notable people , including a variety of talents such as singers sheryl crow , naomi judd , and natalie cole , as well as actresses debbie reynolds , linda evans , suzanne somers and many others 蓋瑞古德先生是蓋瑞古德娛樂公司的總裁,這家娛樂公司已成立了三十年,曾與許多知名演藝人士合作過,包括歌手雪莉可洛娜歐蜜賈德納塔莉寇兒以及女演員黛比雷諾琳達伊凡絲蘇珊薩門等。

Not to be outdone [ 5 ] in the back story department , judd ' s joanna eris was abandoned by her father as a little girl , spent her youth in juvenile detention centers , and has grown up to become an enchanting murderess who hooks up with wealthy men to enact a pseudo - feminist revenge ( back to double jeopardy ) 沒有超出老戲的套路,賈德飾演的喬安娜?厄里斯很小的時候,就遭到父親的遺棄,她在少年看管所中渡過了自己的青春,并長成為一個充滿魅力的女殺手,她專門引誘那些有錢的男人,并充當一個申張偽女權主義的復仇者(回到了《雙重危險》的情節) 。

By calculated judd - ofelt parameters of the npre - 1 glass and luminescence dynamics equation , the author has get the changing curve about light intensity near 1540nm with the increase of er doped concentration . it was observed that the light intensity is the strongest when er doped concentration is 20mol % and the concentration - quenching phenomenon takes place after the concentration is bigger than 20mol % 5 )通過建立發光動力學方程,利用j - o計算得到的參數,得出npre - 1樣品1540nm處發光強度隨er3 +離子摻雜濃度的變化規律,看到er3 +離子摻雜mol濃度為20 %時發光最強,大于這個濃度后就發生了濃度猝滅效應。

As is well known , the problems of economic growth are tied closely up with the government behaviors . however , in the documents about government optimal behaviors , determined models are the most popular , such as the classical mirrlees model . from these models people have drawn a series of rich theories about public sector optimal mechanism 眾所周知,經濟增長問題與政府行為密切相關,而在以往的有關政府最優行為的文獻中,尤以采用確定性的模型居多,其中經典的要數mirrlees模型,另外chamley和judd的一般均衡最優收入稅模型也被引用的較多,在這些模型中人們得出了一系列豐富的有關公共部門最優機制的理論。

Further quality films followed for the actor , deemed an intellectual pin - up moke 1995 , heat , the passion of darkly noon , a time to kill 1996 , and normal life . she received both an emmy nomination and a golden globe nomination for her portrayal of marilyn monroein norma jean and marilyn judd star status has been since cemented with kiss the girls , the simon birch 1998 , double jeopardy 1999 , and eye of the beholder 在從影不長的一段時間里,她先后出演煙窮追不舍和殺戮時刻,這三部片子為她自己建立了可靠的信譽,獲得了極高的評價,為成功奠定了堅實基礎。在1996年與盧克佩里合作拍攝正常生活,好評如潮,為此賈德贏得了“艾美獎”提名。

The author has calculated the spontaneous radiate probabilities , the linear oscillator strengths , branching ratio of tm3 + iones by judd - oflet theory . according to the j - o calculated data , the transition 1g4 ? 3h6 was stronger than the transition 1g4 ? 3h4 . it was agreement with the emission spectra 3 )對tbzre玻璃,用j ? o理論計算了各光譜參數,從1g4能級的躍遷分支比從理論上得出480nm波長的光相對650nm波長的光強,這與發射光譜圖是相符合的。

These results showed the relations between uv ( or violet ) upconversion luminescence and the judd - ofelt parameters , and presented a way to obtain infrared - to - violet and ultraviolet upconversion laser materials 這能夠使我們部分擺脫“炒菜式”的材料制備方法,對紫色和紫外上轉換激光材料的設計提供理論指導。

Not yet named , the animal probably floated out to sea after it died and settled to the bottom of what was then a shallow area of the weddell sea , said judd case of st . mary ' s college of california 加州圣瑪麗學院的朱迪凱斯說,這只尚不知名的恐龍可能是死后漂到海里的,然后沉入威德爾海的一塊淺水區海底。

Ashley judd began life on the move , literally attended 12 schools in 13 years , living , by times , in dirt poor kentucky back - woods surroundings with her single mother and half - sister 阿什莉賈德年月日出生于美國加州的貧民家庭。母親內奧米和姐姐溫農娜是鄉村歌手,靠歌喉賣藝為生。

Professional detachment [ 3 ] erodes as mcgregor becomes inappropriately fascinated by his target , turning his surveillance of judd into a voyeuristic obsession [ 4 ] 然而麥格雷格偏偏不合時宜地被他的追蹤目標迷住了,于是職業性的冷漠逐漸消退,而他對賈德的監視也逐漸變成不可救藥的窺視。

With their long locks and heavily arched eyebrows , rachel bilson ( right ) and ashley judd are dead ringers for classic screen sirens 眉毛較長且彎度很大使得瑞切爾?貝爾森(右)與阿什莉?朱迪的形象和經典的銀幕艷婦如出一轍。

Lopez moved on with one of her backup singers , cris judd ( whom she married in a small ceremony in september of 2001 ) 接下來洛佩茲和她的一位后備歌手克里斯?賈德開始了新的生活(他們于2001年九月份舉行了一個小型婚禮) 。

I was proud to work with members of both parties ? chairman john boehner and congressman george miller , senator judd gregg 我對這一工作感到非常驕傲,因此,我甚至要贊揚我的朋友特德肯尼迪。

She turned to reading and the rest of her family , naomi and wynonna judd , turned to singing 這樣的生活一直過了13年,直至母親和姐姐最終成為一名真正的鄉村音樂歌手。

Rell spokesman judd everhart had no immediate reaction to the rating friday 雷爾的發言人賈德?伊佛哈特在星期五對該評價結果沒有直接的反映。

Judd anstey of the aafe said ms haddix was an extraordinary character 交易服務處的賈德?安斯提說,哈迪克絲夫人是一位非凡人物。