
joseph n.1.約瑟夫〔男子名〕。2.約瑟〔《圣經》中人物,一指...


The nobel peace prize : sir joseph austen chamberlain 諾貝爾和平獎-奧斯丁張伯倫

Joseph yam on macro - economic management on the mainland 任志剛談內地宏觀經濟管理

Joseph yam on hong kong s external financial position 任志剛談香港的對外財政狀況

Cannot you tell her who i am , eh , joseph 你就不能告訴她我是誰嗎,呃,約瑟夫? ”

North and west blocks of st . joseph s college 中環堅尼地道圣約瑟書院北座及西座

Till another king arose , which knew not joseph 18直到有不曉得約瑟的新王興起。

Secretary for the civil service , mr joseph wong wing - ping 公務員事務局局長王永平

Eight years had passed before joseph succeeded 他為他的發明寫了一個簡明的要。

Joseph e . stiglitz : an economist ' s dream and ideal 斯蒂格利茨經濟學家的理性和夢想

Policy advocacy & international networks ) mr . joseph wong 黃錦文先生(企業管理)

Joseph yam on hong kong s financial infrastructure 任志剛談香港金融基礎設施之二

The nobel prize in economics : george joseph stigler 諾貝爾經濟學獎-喬治斯蒂格勒

These are the sons of joseph after their families 按著家族,這都是約瑟的子孫。

Joseph yam on the management of interest rate volatility 任志剛談利率波動的管理

He says they found mary and joseph in the manger 他們在馬槽看見馬利亞和約瑟。

Joseph yam on expansion of renminbi banking business 任志剛談擴大人民幣銀行業務

With the exception of keith joseph and one other member who intended to abstain, the others were also behind ted heath . 除了基思約瑟夫和另一個打算棄權的成員外,其余的人依然支持太德希思。

Roger had swum fast toward david, and joseph was pulling andy into the dinghy and then sculling out toward the other two . 羅杰已經飛快地向戴維游去。約瑟夫把安迪拉上筏子之后正劃著去迎他們倆。

One of the consistent workers in determinant theory over a period of more than fifty years was james joseph sylvester . 在50多年內行列式理論的始終不渝的工作者之一是JamesJosephSylvester。