
jock n.〔英國〕〔軍俚〕蘇格蘭(尤指高地)的士兵。


Introduction : like mischievous kids simply went to their crown on the bag aircraft , the title , they will know that they do not stay long , no , two people to scramble for the first and dry , you jocks , take a look at the excitement 喜歡惡作劇的倆小孩硬是給自己冠上了“尿袋雙雄”的頭銜,就知道他們呆不長,這不,兩個人又為了爭奪第一而干上了,各位玩家,一起看看熱鬧去?

Like mischievous kids simply went to their crown on the bag aircraft , the title , they will know that they do not stay long , no , two people to scramble for the first and dry , you jocks , take a look at the excitement 喜歡惡作劇的倆小孩硬是給自己冠上了“尿袋雙雄”的頭銜,就知道他們呆不長,這不,兩個人又為了爭奪第一而干上了,各位玩家,一起看看熱鬧去?

One day , the four of us were riding through the bush accompanied by our three dogs , curly , jock , and sally . suddenly , the dogs stopped near some long grass and began to bark excitedly 有一天,我們四人騎著馬,伴隨著愛犬克莉喬克和莎莉一起穿過一片灌木叢的時候,三只狗忽然停在一片高草旁邊大聲汪汪叫。

To prove that this round of translation tools is more than the perennial sales pitch , the statistics jocks who now lead the field must demonstrate that this time fahqt is real 為了證明這次的翻譯工具,并不像是終年不斷的大特賣噱頭,引領機器翻譯界的統計術士們,必須證明fahqt這次是玩真的。

You may call me a nerd , but i think it ' s more important to study hard than to be a jock and play football or basketball 這個書呆子說: “你可以叫我書呆子,但是我認為用功念書要比做一個漂亮男子和踢足球、打壘球更重要。

Ha ha , as if they heard this opinionated guy exaggerated laugh , whether it is genius , you jocks , to practice know ! also 哈哈,仿佛又聽見了這個自以為是的家伙夸張的大笑了,究竟是不是天才,各位玩家,練練才知道哦!

Ha ha , as if they heard this opinionated guy exaggerated laugh , whether it is genius , you jocks , to practice know 哈哈,仿佛又聽見了這個自以為是的家伙夸張的大笑了,究竟是不是天才,各位玩家,練練才知道哦!

Jock : oh , come on . don ' t look a gift horse in the mouth . i know it ' s ok because i was his sister driving it last week 哈利:是啊,他真好,但我不知道該不該借用。他那輛車比我那輛還要舊。

The trouble is , though , the girls all want to go with jocks , the guys with the muscles and team sweaters 可是,問題是那些女孩子都要和那些得帥的男同學和那些身體很強壯的球隊隊員出去玩。 ”

Also , keep in mind that nice nerdy boys are usually far better lovers than jocks or bad - body types 千祈別姑息那些身體虐待精神折磨你的男友,即使他是偶爾發作,或又開口閉口有多愛你。

Jenny : ( sits on his lap ) ok . . . come on , you got to be strong , you goddamn hockey jock 詹妮: (坐在奧利弗的腿上)好吧… …聽我的話,你一定要堅強些,你這個冰球大明星。

I was no one special in miss roberts ' class - just another jock who did okay work 在羅伯茨老師班上,我并沒有什么特殊之處? ?不過是個功課還過得去的好動鬼。

My kid sister is only six but it looks like she ' ll turn out to be a girl jock 這個人說: “我的小妹妹只有六歲,可是看起來她會成為一個很強壯的女運動員。

I was no one special in miss roberts ' class just another jock who did okay work 我在羅伯茨小姐的班里很普通? ?只是一個表現還可以的蘇格蘭小伙。

Jock : that ' s tough . but didn ' t i hear that paul was willing to loan you this second car 喬克:真倒楣。但聽說保羅愿意把他的另輛車借給你,對嗎?

Jock was once caught in such a snare and could easily have been killed another story 喬克曾經陷入這種繩套,險些因而送命。這又是另一個故事了!

Jock , the engines 喬克,引擎

That ' s what all that asshole , jock bullshit is all about 這就是那個混蛋的所作所為,下體放屁總統佐治.布什的英文諧音就是那樣的

He was the biggest jock in high school since he played all kinds of sports 從他開始玩各種運動起,他就是高中里最重要的運動員。