
ivory n.1.象牙;(河馬、獨角魚的)牙齒。 artifici...

ivory black

Ivory , you come offhis butt into the “ a ' “ gap . yes , sir 艾弗伊,你從他抵住的“ a “缺口沖出去-是,教練

You may ship the ivory carvings in any suitable containers 你可以用任何適當的容器來裝運象牙雕刻。

Yes , in my impression i seldom saw such dao with ivory handle 是啊,印象中很少見到這種刀象牙柄的。

He saw he should no longer shut himself up in his ivory tower 他認識到不應再把自己關在象牙塔里。

Wildlife group says illegal ivory trade flourishing on ebay 野生動物組織稱ebay上非法象牙買賣盛行

Single ivory star / wide rose - orchid sparkle edge 單瓣象牙色星型花,介于玫瑰紅跟淡紫色的亮寬邊。

Lt ' s either ivory or some kind of bone 這是象牙或是別的什么骨頭

Because of the ivory trade , elephant numbers fell quickly 由于象牙貿易,大象的數量急劇下降。

Coated paper and board - coated ivory board 涂布紙和紙板涂布白卡紙

Textual research of ivory sacrifice in ancient shu 古蜀象牙祭祀考

It is the chosen venue for ivory coast to take on sweden 在那里他將帶領科特迪瓦對陣瑞典隊。

She is tearing up the ivories in heaven , i am sure 她正在天堂里大彈特彈著鋼琴呢,我敢肯定。

Round connector , transparent ivory 15a 125v , hospital grade 圓型母銜接座,透明象牙白,醫院級

I was wondering what the current time is in the ivory coast 我想知道象牙海岸現在是幾點鐘。

Variegated dark green , cream and ivory . standard 深綠色和奶油色象牙色組合的斑葉。標準型。

The government has put a ban on the import of ivory 政府已經放置了一條對象牙的輸入禁令。

“ shrouded in cobwebs , its once - beautiful ivory keys 結滿了蜘蛛網,從前很漂亮的象牙琴鍵

Gold , slaves and ivory were sent north 黃金、奴隸和象牙被運送到北方。

Many cruel hunters kill elephants only for ivory 許多殘忍的獵人只是為了象牙就捕殺大象。