
ivf IVF =in vitro fertilization ...


The rate of twins and triplets born in developed countries has soared as ivf has become more common , due to the implanting of two or more embryos 在發展中國家,雙胞胎和三胞胎的比例隨著ivf的日益普遍在猛漲,這是因為治療中每次移植了2個或更多的胚胎的緣故。

They believe that ivf will be the answer to their problems but at this age there is , sadly , only a five to 10 per cent chance of a live birth 他說: “去看生育門診的人通常都是一些40歲左右的女性,但非常不幸的是,醫生很難給她們提供幫助。有人認為

The second option is to impose a national limit of one embryo per round of treatment for the women most likely to get pregnant through ivf 第二個選擇就是,限定那些極想通過ivf來生育的女性每輪治療只能移植一個胚胎,并將其作為一個全國性的規則。

If governments want to change this , arts ? most significantly in - vitro fertilisation ( ivf ) ? could offer at least part of a way to do so 如果政府想要改變這種狀況的話,那么輔助生殖技術則至少能夠提供一條出路,而其中最值得注意的便是試管授精技術。

He believes it is only a matter of time before we lose our hang - ups about reproductive cloning and accept it as just another ivf technique 他相信人們定會擺脫由克隆生育帶來的情感沖突,將其作為另一種試管受精技術,這只是時間上的問題。

With news like this , it ' s hardly surprising that other governments are turning to ivf , since nothing else seem to work 由于有了這樣的新聞,所以既然任何其它方法似乎都不管用,那么其它政府正在轉向試管受精也就很難讓人感到奇怪了。

But if the countries of europe do wish to keep their populations up , making ivf more widely available might be a good way of doing so 但是,如果歐洲國建真正希望保持人口數的話,更大范圍地使用試管授精可能不失為一記良方。

Another reason is that multiple births boost clinics ' standing in league tables ( see ivf league tables encourage bad practice ) 另一個原因就是,多胞胎使得診所在排行榜上遙遙領先(看排行榜則是變相鼓勵了這種不良之風。 )

Women undergoing ivf treatment commonly felt that they are under high stress and experience from psychological disturbances such as anxiety 外國研究顯示,有效地處理焦慮及壓力問題對接受試管嬰兒療程的婦女具正面影響。

In his clinics , antinori already offers every ivf treatment under the sun , but still there are couples he cannot help 在他的診所里,安蒂諾里已能給患者提供天下所有的試管受精治療,但對某些夫婦,他仍然無能為力。

Boys conceived by ivf because of female infertility had normal values for both testosterone and for the lh - to - testosterone ratio 對于因女性不孕而采取ivf的男嬰來說,血睪酮水平和黃體生成素/睪酮比值均正常。

So the salpingectomy can not be performed in patients un dergoing ivf - et in whom the other ovary has already been damaged or missing 因此,臨床上對有生育要求的異位妊娠患者,應盡可能地保留患側輸卵管。

About 16 , 000 childless korean couples will be able to obtain a government subsidy for half the cost of their ivf treatment 大約16000對沒有子女的韓國夫婦將能在其接受試管受精治療時,獲得半額的政府津貼。

That it is not may have something to do with the fact that in denmark the taxpayer will cover up to six cycles of ivf treatment 丹麥人口數并未減少可能與丹麥的納稅人自理六個試管授精療程有很大關系。

The success rate of ivf would not change significantly if only one embryo was implanted per treatment , the expert group claims 如果每次治療只移植一個胚胎, ivf的成功率也不會顯著改變,專家組提到。

Despite lavish ivf subsidies , there is precious little research to support the contention that it will boost birth rates 盡管對試管受精的補助非常奢靡,卻少有寶貴的研究能夠證明它能提高生育率。

Their program comprised of relaxation training , stress management and psycho - education had a higher pregnancy rate of ivf treatment 此身心健康課程包括教授減壓松弛技巧及有關心理健康的講解。

Accordingly , they thought that their best strategy would be to keep the federal government from financing ivf research 因此,他們認為最佳的策略就是不讓美國聯邦政府資助ivf的研究。

Estonia is also subsidising ivf and hopes to increase the number of ivf babies to about 1 in 30 愛沙尼亞也在補助試管受精,并且希望把試管嬰兒的數量提高1比30 。