
ivan n.1.伊凡〔男子名,John的異體〕。2.伊凡三世〔1...


One day i was playing tennis in seattle with ivan , my ten - year - old son 一天,在西雅圖,我和十歲的兒子伊萬在打網球。

Gonna knock ' em dead this year , ivan ? i ' ll do my best foryou 準備今年把他們打的屁滾尿流吧,伊安?我會努力的

M . c . : let s talk to ivan 主持人:現在線上是艾文。

Ivan : take it easy ! as you said , this party is just for fun 伊凡:放輕松!就像?剛才說的,我們只是去玩而已。

Ivan del prado , conductor cuban 指揮:伊凡迪爾布拉多古

Ever since he was five , ivan had been my only tennis partner 從他五歲開始,伊萬就是我唯一的網球伙伴。

Ivan is an outstanding chess player 伊萬是位突出的棋手。

4 kitty : why is ivan so excited 凱蒂:伊萬怎么這么激動?

Mr . ivan chan marine parks division , afcd 漁護署海岸公園科

- what new arcwelder ? - ivan , the guy from the swing shift -什么新電焊工-艾文,那個從小夜班轉過來的

What new arcwelder ? - ivan , the guy from the swing shift 什么新電焊工-艾文,那個從小夜班轉過來的

1904 ivan petrovich pavlov russia 1904年伊凡巴甫洛夫俄羅斯

Ivan nikolaevich ! ' she said aloud . ' 伊萬謝苗諾夫! '她大聲說

2 kitty : where are you going , ivan 凱蒂:你去哪兒啊,伊萬?

Ivan was excited at seeing the pop star he liked finally 終于看到他喜歡的流行歌星,伊萬很是激動。

Sue : nice to meet you . mr . ivan 蘇:很高興認識你,伊萬先生。

25 minutes ago you contacted a man named ivan erwich 25分鐘前,你聯系過一名叫伊萬?厄爾維奇的人

Oh yeah ? you ' ve been fishing with ivan lately , reynolds 噢是嗎?你最近和艾文釣過魚嗎,雷諾茲?

One of the men responsible , ivan curtis - 當事人之一,艾文科迪斯