
iterate vt.1.反復,重復,重復地說。2.疊代。n.-atio...


Method on the ejb s home interface and iterates through the returned 方法,并迭代通過返回的

To iterate over a range of integers , the syntax of the 進行整數范圍迭代用到了清單1中所示的

Loop will iterate over a collection s contents 循環將如何循環訪問集合的內容變得更加容易。

How to : iterate through an enumeration in visual basic >如何:在visual basic中循環訪問枚舉

To iterate through the items in your collection 循環訪問集合中的項。

Retrieves an enumerator that can iterate through the 檢索可以循環訪問

An object that can be used to iterate over the collection 可用于在集合上進行迭代的對象。

The following code example iterates through all of the 下面的代碼示例循環訪問網頁上的所有

To determine the active form , you must iterate through the 若要確定活動窗體,必須循環訪問

Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection 返回可循環訪問集合的枚舉數。

Gets an enumerator that can iterate through this 獲取一個可循環訪問此

Another approach to iterating over the array is to use the 循環訪問數組的另一種方法是使用

Interface that iterates through the collection when the 接口,該接口在

An enumerator that iterates through the collection of references 遍歷引用集合的枚舉數。

Iterating through a database is easy with a code block 以一個代碼塊遍歷數據庫是容易的:

Loop only finds lowercase vowels as it iterates over the original 時僅查找小寫元音字母。

Gets an enumerator that can iterate through the collection 獲取可循環訪問集合的枚舉數。

Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection 返回一個循環訪問集合的枚舉數。

Object and iterate through this collection 對象,然后循環訪問該集合。