
italy n.意大利〔歐洲〕。


Normans from south italy and spain, nobles and knights, answered the advertisement . 來自意大利南部和西班牙的諾曼人,包括貴族和騎士,都紛紛響應這個號召。

He did want to pour into italy the maximum amount of allied forces available in the mediterranean . 他確實想要將地中海可運用的部隊最大量地傾入意大利。

In his preface hawthorne seeks to explain the attraction that italy has for the writers of romances . 霍桑在前言中試圖闡明意大利對傳奇作家的吸引力。

Although he had lived so many years in italy it was invariably of a decent clerical hue . 盡管他在意大利居住了這么多年,服裝卻一直是莊重的牧師色澤。

Francis i's own plunge into italy ended in his defeat and capture at the battle of pavia . 弗蘭西斯一世進入意大利的結果是,在帕維亞戰役中兵敗就擒。

In italy a decisive contribution to the development of modern art was made by the futurists . 在意大利,未來派對現代藝術的發展作出了決定性的貢獻。

That's not it so much, mr. president. the thing is that my wife is trapped in italy . 那還不是主要的,總統先生。問題是,我的妻子如今困在意大利了。

Mussolini's bid for a fascist revival plunged italy into the horrors of civil war . 墨索里尼企圖復興法西斯黨,這就使意大利陷入了內戰的恐怖之中。

As the situation sharpened, he saw his opportunity to gain the chief power in italy . 隨著局勢的緊張,他認為他在意大利獲得主要權力的機會到來了。

Her winter in italy also formed the motive of some of her most delightful thoughts . 她在意大利度過的那個冬季也成為她最快慰的思想的策源地。

We knew that the food situation in italy had worsened as rail traffic was disrupted . 我們獲悉意大利的糧食供應由于鐵路運輸停頓而每況愈下。

He was terrified at the prospect of being sent back to europe to fight in italy or france . 他害怕被遣送回歐洲,派去意大利或法國打仗。

Our army in italy was somewhat disheartened by the removal of seven divisions . 我們在意大利的軍隊因為被調走七個師,士氣有些沮喪。

Many thanks for your telegrams about operations in the toe of italy . 關于在意大利趾形地區作戰情況的來電已經收到,十分感謝。

In a curious way italy had not yet broken with its renaissance tradition . 奇怪的是,意大利還沒有拋棄它在文藝復興時的傳統。

I had been working very hard to arrange the movement of the greek brigade into italy . 我一直在極力籌劃將希臘旅調往意大利。

The common people in rome and other parts of italy praised him as a hero . 羅馬和意大利其它地方的老百姓都稱贊他是一個英雄。

Mussolini has fallen; italy has surrendered; her fleet has come over . 墨索里尼倒臺了;意大利投降了;它的艦隊已經投誠。

I once brought some relatives from italy to see where i worked . 有一次,我把意大利來的一些親戚帶來參觀我的工作場所。