
israelite n.1.古以色列人;猶太人。2.【宗教】上帝的選民。ad...


We will not return to our homes until every israelite has received his inheritance 18我們不回家,直等到以色列人各承受自己的產業。

Give the money for the redemption of the additional israelites to aaron and his sons . 48把那多馀之人的贖銀、交給亞倫和他的兒子。

Then moses and aaron fell facedown in front of the whole israelite assembly gathered there 5摩西,亞倫就俯伏在以色列全會眾面前。

Give him some of your authority so the whole israelite community will obey him 20又將你的尊榮給他幾分,使以色列全會眾都聽從他。

The israelites were afraid and complained when they saw the egyptians were approaching 當埃及人逼近時,色列人感覺害怕而且抱怨。

These are the commands the lord gave moses on mount sinai for the israelites 34這就是耶和華在西乃山為以色列人所吩咐摩西的命令。

1a . god brought the israelites out of egypt . similarly , what has god given to us 神帶以色列人出埃及,同樣的,神給了我們什麼?

The israelites said to moses , “ we will die ! we are lost , we are all lost 12以色列人對摩西說,我們死啦。我們滅亡啦。都滅亡啦。

“ when moses was forty years old , he decided to visit his fellow israelites 23他將到四十歲,心中起意,去看望他的弟兄以色列人。

“ go , tell pharaoh king of egypt to let the israelites go out of his country . 11你進去對埃及王法老說、要容以色列人出他的地。

They were responsible for the care of the sanctuary on behalf of the israelites 他們看守圣所,替以色列人守耶和華所吩咐的。

God ordered joshua to command the israelites to march around the city seven days 上帝叫約書亞帶領百姓繞耶利哥城,繞七日。

This is to be a lasting ordinance among the israelites for the generations to come 這要作以色列人世世代代永遠的定例。

So moses told this to aaron and his sons and to all the israelites 24于是,摩西曉諭亞倫和亞倫的子孫,并以色列眾人。

All the animals died except those that were where the israelites lived 除了猶太人住的地方沒有外,別的地方都死掉啦!

No israelite man or woman is to become a shrine prostitute 17以色列的女子中不可有妓女。以色列的男子中不可有孌童。

So the king and all the israelites dedicated the temple of the lord 這樣,王和以色列眾民為耶和華的殿行奉獻之禮。

How did the israelite people respond to covenant ? were they sincere 百姓如何領受神所頒布的律法?他們是誠心的嗎?

So moses announced to the israelites the appointed feasts of the lord 44于是,摩西將耶和華的節期傳給以色列人。