
isomorphism n.1.【生物學】同態性,同形性,同態現象。2.【化學】...


The following algorithms have been proposed and tested in the thesis : 1 frequency selective fading : combine the isomorphism between the input space and the output space and propose a new approach to blind equalization of the channel . compared with conventional methods , the new approach offers lower computational complexity , better performance , and more robust against the over - determination of the system order ; 2 time selective fading : a new approach to the equalization of time selective channel based on the zero - forced equalizer is proposed which is more simple in its structure of algorithm ; 3 time - varying channel : using the instantaneous mean value changes of the output signal to extract the information of channel variations and model it using ar model , kalman filter is then employed to track channel variations , it bears faster ability in tracking the variation of tv channels ; based on the isomorphism between the inputs and the outputs and some of the approaches using in mimo system , a new algorithm of equalization of simo time - varying channel is proposed , which also share the merits of being robust against the over - determination of the system order ; model the time - varying channel using the multi - resolution decomposition wavelets , and then a blind identification method based “ on the model is proposed ; at last , a new model for equalization and identification of mimo system is proposed 主要工作在以下幾個方面: 1 、針對頻率選擇性衰落信道:結合輸入輸出空間同構關系提出一種新的頻率選擇性信道均衡方法,與傳統方法相比,該方法計算量更小,收斂速度更快,性能更優,且對系統階次的過確定表現穩健,具有實際均衡應用價值; 2 、針對時間選擇性衰落信道:提出一種基于迫零均衡的時間選擇性信道均衡方法,算法結構簡單; 3 、針對時變色散信道:利用瞬態均值曲線提取信道時變信息,對之ar建模,利用卡爾曼濾波器跟蹤時變信道抽頭變化,可以快速跟蹤信道變化;基于輸入輸出空間之間的同構關系以及多輸入多輸出系統的處理方法,提出了新的單輸入多輸出色散時變信道均衡與識別算法,同樣具有對信道階次過確定保持穩健的優點;結合小波多分辨率分析提出一種基于小波模型的信道盲識別算法;研究時變的多輸入多輸出系統的盲均衡與盲反卷積問題,給出一種時變系統處理模型。

And by far , most theories of wavelet analysis are established in , but this method is rare to be known and exists defects in the reproducing kernel space with good properties . then in the reproducing kernel space , isometric isomorphism of relation is founded between and by differential operator . and starting from the haar basis , multi - resolution analysis inis gived by folding method ; then multi - resolution analysis and orthonormal wavelet in are obtained through integral transform from to . then the reproducing kernel space can be expressed by wavelet spaces 于是,在再生核空間中,利用積分算子建立了空間與hilbert空間的等距同構關系;并且從haar小波出發,由折疊法實現的空間中多尺度分析通過積分變換得到中多尺度分析和正交小波,使得再生核空間可以由小波空間來刻劃;從而對空間中的函數,給出了小波逼近具體表達式和相應的采樣公式,形式簡單易于數值分析。

( 2 ) after the establishment of the goal of socialist marketable economic system , market mechanism has began to play leading or important role in lots of economic fields , meanwhile the prices of most commodities become unloosed and modern enterprise system gets established . the reform of marketing not only brings energy into our economy , ameliorates allocation status of production - element and impro ves economic efficiency , but also changes the phenomenon of isomorphism of regional industry “ to some extent ( 2 )社會主義市場經濟體制目標確立后,隨著我國絕大多數商品的價格逐步放開,現代企業制度逐步確立,市場機制開始在多數經濟領域起著主導或者重要作用,市場化改革在給經濟注入活力、改善要素配置狀況和提高經濟效率的同時,也會使我國區域間的產業同構現象發生一定程度的變化。

We can give different structures on a tensor product h q to make it a bialgebra or hopf algebra . in [ 1 ] radford constructed a hopf algebra a x h with the smash algebra structure and the smash coproduct coalgebra structure , and pointed out that if a bialgebra b has a hopf subalgebra h and a projection ! : b - - > h , then there must be a subalgebra a of b such that b @ a x h is a bialgebra isomorphism 在張量積hq上可以給出不同的構造,使它成為雙代數或hopf代數, radford在文獻[ 1 ]中構造了以smash積為代數結構,余smash積為余代數結構的hopf代數a h ,并指出若b是雙代數, h是b的子hopf代數,且存在投射: b h (即是雙代數同態,且| _ h = id _ h ) ,則一定存在b的子代數a ,使ba h是雙代數同構。

Subsequently we make use of the isomorphism property between the behavior of petri nets with exponentially distributed transition rates and markov process to acquire markov chain , and compute the subsystem ' s mean time to delay and transfer probability of subsequencial state , which present the theoretical evidence for intrusion detection system ' s design 隨后利用隨機petrinet和連續時間的馬爾可夫鏈同構的性質,應用所獲得的同構馬爾可夫鏈對求得穩定狀態概率的子系統的平均延時時間和后繼狀態轉移概率進行了詳細的計算,從而為入侵檢測系統的設計提供理論根據。

This thesis begins to analyze these questions , and the analysis is made up of five parts . they are as follows : chapter 1 : we expatiate on the meaning and the measurement of ' industrial isomorphism “ , and give demonstrative analysis on the evolvement trend of it in our country 本文就是針對這一系列問題展開分析的,其過程可以分為五個部分:第一章首先闡述了產業同構的涵義及其測度方法,并對我國的產業同構程度演化趨勢進行了實證分析。

Subsequently we analyze the isomorphism relationship between ergodic matrices and the corresponding permutation group . by defining the permutation symbol operation system of ergodic matrices , we constructed a union form to express all existed permutation algorithms 通過在理論上分析遍歷矩陣和置換群的同構關系,定義了遍歷矩陣對應的置換運算和符號體系,再統一的框架下表達各種圖像置亂變換。

The words list of tao yuanming ' s poem is fair , the rhythm is natural , and the words are gratuitous , and this comes to the isomorphism with the respect steming form the accumulation of reading experience , which makes it very convenient and natural to read 陶淵明詩歌的語序正常平直、節奏自然舒緩、語詞平白如話,這與讀者由閱讀經驗積淀而成的心理期待形成同構,閱讀起來便倍感輕松自然。

They can greatly improve the performance of the algorithms by delaying the hard problem of isomorphism , which is the bottleneck of most current methods . some xml documents and web logs are analyzed using these two algorithms , which gain some interesting results 這里的各個算法還被用在了對以xml文檔為代表的半結構化文檔和web日志的分析工作中,并取得了一些很有意思的結論。

In order to handle the subgraph isomorphism problem , the concept of individuals with state backtracking was proposed , where the state information of some potential individuals produced during the evolution were preserved , which contributed to the design of genetic operators 針對圖數據挖掘中經常遇到的子圖同構問題,提出了帶狀態回溯個體的概念,從而使遺傳算子的設計更為合理。

In this case , we analyze fully and accurately the evolvement trend of “ industrial isomorphism “ and the effect of all marketing factor on yangtse rive delta region since 1992 . and the method that we use is named panel data model 本章采用paneldata模型分析方法對1992年以后長江三角洲地區產業同構的演化趨勢及在這一過程中各種市場化因素所發揮的作用給予了翔實的分析。

In the second section , we give all the ring congruences on a commutative regular semiring s and show that from the lattice of all full , closed , ideal subsemirings of s to the lattice of all the ring conruences on 5 , there is a lattice isomorphism 首先給出一個交換正則半環上的所有環同余,證明了此半環的所有滿的、閉的、理想子半環所形成的格與此半環的環同余格同構。

In the second section , we firstly prove the isomorphism of m and m * , and then discuss the relationship beetween rm and sm and the changes of some properties about hereditary torsion theories by the morita context functors 在第二部分中,我們首先證明m ~ * m ~ * ,進而在moritacontexts下討論左r -模m與左s -模m之間的關系以及撓理論一些基本性質的轉移及變化。

We can construct a “ numerals system “ , and there is isomorphism of the numerals system into prepositional calculus , so , for a proof of prepositional calculus , by isomorphism , we can find a “ numerals proof of the numerals system ) ,同構保證p中的命題演繹一一對應于n中的一個“數字演繹” ,同時,為了使用方便,應該使數字系統( ? )的表示過程盡可能簡單。

Since china began her policy of economic reform and opening to the world , the discussion on “ isomorphism of regional industry “ and “ construction of redundant projects “ in all circles has been always there 改革開放以來,我國各界人士關于“區域產業同構” 、 “重復建設”的討論似乎從未停止過,對“區域產業同構”和“重復建設”的利與弊的看法也不盡一致。

Under favorable physico - chemical conditions , dispersed elements such as cd , ge , and ga that were co - transported with pb and zn may have replaced corresponding ions and accumulated as the mode of isomorphism 與pb 、 zn金屬一起遷移而來的cd 、 ge 、 ga等分散元素在有利的物化條件下便以類質同象的方式替代相應離子而進入閃鋅礦、方鉛礦的晶格并逐漸富集成礦。

The result shows all marketing factor except the growth of commodity market can impel the weaken trend of industrial isomorphism “ , and the non - state economy in ownership structure plays the most important role 分析結果表明,除了商品市場發育外,市場化的其他因素的發展都能促使產業同構的弱化趨勢,其中,作用最大的是所有制結構中非國有經濟的發展。

Germanium enriched mainly in galenite , and cadmium enriched mainly in nonage sphalerite ; isomorphism is the subsistent state of ge and cd , but it ca n ' t exclude the probability that ge and cd absorbed by organic matter Ge主要富集在方鉛礦中, cd主要富集于早期閃鋅礦中; ge 、 cd的賦存狀態為類質同象,但不排除部分被有機質吸附的可能性。

We found the generators g of an local elliptic su ( ri ) g ( su ( n ) ) , which transform covariantly by the global gauge transformation of an - by acting on hn we establish the isomorphism of an and ? , 此外,我們還發現了局部橢圓su ( n )代數g的生成元g ,它是按a _ n的整體規范變換進行協變變換的。作用在h _ n上,我們建立了a _ n和g之間的同構關系。