
irreproachable adj.無可指摘的,無缺點的,無過失的。n.-bilit...


Morrel took the head of his son between his two hands , drew him forward , and kissing his forehead several times said , “ oh , yes , yes , i bless you in my own name , and in the name of three generations of irreproachable men , who say through me , the edifice which misfortune has destroyed , providence may build up again 莫雷爾雙手捧起他的頭,把他拉近了一些,在他的前額上吻了幾下,說道: “噢是的,是的,我以自己的名義和三代無可責備的祖先的名義祝福你,他們借我的口說:災禍所摧毀的大廈,天命會使之重建。

What he loved was dissipation and women ; and as , according to his ideas , there was nothing dishonourable in these tastes , and as he was incapable of considering the effect on others of the gratification of his tastes , he believed himself in his heart to be an irreproachable man , felt a genuine contempt for scoundrels and mean persons , and with an untroubled conscience held his head high 他所喜愛的只有一點,那就是尋歡作樂和追求女性,依照他的觀念,這些嗜好沒有任何不高尚的地方,但是他不會考慮,一味滿足他的嗜欲對他人會引起什么后果,因此他心里認為自己是一個無可指摘的人,他無所顧忌地藐視下流人和壞人,心安理得地傲岸不群。

The little old colonel with the half - shut eyes was there , greedily gnawing at a mutton - bone , and the general of twenty - two years irreproachable service , flushed with a glass of vodka and his dinner , and the staff - officer with the signet ring , and zherkov , stealing uneasy glances at every one , and prince andrey , pale with set lips and feverishly glittering eyes 其中包括:眼睛半開半合的小老頭,他貪婪地啃著羊骨頭軍二十二年的無可指責的將軍,他一面用餐,一面喝伏特加酒佐餐,滿面紅光校官戴著一只刻有名字的戒指熱爾科夫惴惴不安地望著眾人安德烈公爵臉色蒼白,緊閉嘴唇,一對冷熱病的眼睛發亮。

In later days , count rastoptchin , by way of explaining his action during this time , wrote several times in his notes that his two great aims at that time were to maintain tranquillity in moscow , and to make the inhabitants go out of it . if this twofold aim is admitted , every act of rastoptchins appears irreproachable 后來,拉斯托普欽伯爵在解釋這期間自己的行動時,多次在回憶錄中寫道,他當時有兩項重要目標: de maintenir la tranquillit a moscou et den faire partir les habitants如果認可這一雙重目標,拉斯托普欽的任何行動都是無可非議的。

He had just acted the inexorable judge with her , he had condemned her to death , and she , crushed by remorse , struck with terror , covered with the shame inspired by the eloquence of his irreproachable virtue , - she , a poor , weak woman , without help or the power of defending herself against his absolute and supreme will , - she might at that very moment , perhaps , be preparing to die 他的妻子!他曾以一個鐵面無私的法官的身份對待她,他曾宣判她死刑,而她,受著悔恨恐怖的煎熬,受著他義正詞嚴的雄辯所激起的羞恥心的煎熬。

The waiter had no suspicions ; andrea spoke with perfect composure , he had a cigar in his mouth , and his hands in the pocket of his top coat ; his clothes were fashionably made , his chin smooth , his boots irreproachable ; he looked merely as if he had stayed out very late , that was all 侍者毫不疑心,安德烈說話的神情從容自若,他的嘴里含著一支雪茄,雙手插在套袋里,衣服高雅,下巴光滑,皮靴雪亮,他看來只是一個在外面呆得非常晚的人而已。

“ we will not quarrel for the greater share of blame annexed to that evening , “ said elizabeth . “ the conduct of neither , if strictly examined , will be irreproachable ; but since then , we have both , i hope , improved in civility . 伊麗莎白說: “那天下午的事,究竟應該誰多負責任,我們也用不著爭論了,嚴格說來,雙方的態度都不好,不過從那次以后,我覺得我們雙方都比較有禮貌些了。 ”

Largely and strongly built , light of beard and rosy of hue , he was not lacking in the kind of distinction peculiar to a sturdy man of pleasure , the square contours of whose limbs are clearly defined by the irreproachable cut of a frock coat 他身材高大,身體健壯,胡子金黃,皮膚白里透紅,頗具風流健壯公子哥兒的高雅氣派。他的四肢健壯發達,從他那合身的禮服上可以看出來。

“ he brings an irreproachable name , which maximilian is likely to render glorious , since at thirty years of age he is a captain , an officer of the legion of honor . “他們家的名譽是無可指責的,而馬西米蘭大概還要加以發揚光大,因為他雖然還只有三十歲,卻已經做到一個上尉,而且還是榮譽團的軍官。 ”

At the back of this box were observable the worthy countenance of caroline s mother and the side face of a tall young man with a noble head of light hair and an irreproachable getup 后面人們瞥見卡羅利娜母親的端莊面孔和一個高個子年輕人的側影,他長著一頭美麗的金色頭發,衣冠整,無可挑剔。

It is in that obligatory and irreproachable idleness that the chief attraction of military service has always consisted , and will always consist 這種天經地義的不受指責的閑逸,過去是,將來也是服兵股的主要誘惑力。

How were you to blame in that affair ? “ listen - when one bears an irreproachable name , as i do , one is rather sensitive . “聽著:當一個人有了象我這樣沒受過玷污的名譽的時候,他總是有點敏感的。 ”

The morals of good men must be irreproachable and they mustn ' t be so indifferent to the things causing harm to society 好人在道德上必須是無可指責的,他們也不應當對社會的事情熟視無睹。

Irreproachable proactive work , a strong sense of responsibility , a strong dedication and team spirit 品行端正,工作積極主動,責任心強,有較強的敬業精神及團隊合作精神。

And such a state of obligatory and irreproachable idleness is enjoyed by a whole classthe military class 整個階層軍人階層享有這種天經地義的不受指責的閑逸的社會地位。

As a young wife , she was irreproachable ; possibly she could not have been equally so as a mother 她這個年輕的妻子是無疵可剔的,她也許不能做個這樣的母親。

The writing was , in reality , charming , and the orthography irreproachable 那一手字的確很漂亮,白字也一個都沒有。

It emerges that her past behaviour was far from irreproachable 真相暴露了,她過去的行為遠不是無可指責的

After very little correspondence the princess had been elected an honorary member of this irreproachable institution to which she now intended to drive . 僅僅經過很少幾次的通信聯系,她就被選為她此刻要驅車前往的那個無可指摘的組織的名譽會員了。