
irrelevant adj.1.不恰當的;(與…)無關系的;不相干的 (to...


This class assumes that prefixes are irrelevant 該類假定前綴無關。

Don ' t ask or think about irrelevant things 別問也別想那些無關的事情

Tuning is also irrelevant and unimportant 調諧也是無關的,不重要的

That is a separate issue and irrelevant to our discussion 這是另一個問題,同我們的討論無關

Very commendable . the past and the future are irrelevant 相當令人贊賞過去和將來都無關緊要

That ' s irrelevant . you ' ve broken our rules of conduct 那無關緊要你已經違反了你的專業操守

Whether the characters succeed or fail is irrelevant 而角色成功或者失敗反倒沒那么重要了。

And not irrelevant to the matter at hand 也不是與現在這事兒完全無關

Your gender , skin color , ethnicity will be irrelevant 你的性別、膚色、種族地位也將消失。

If he can do the job well , his age is irrelevant 如果他能干好這工作,年齡是無關緊要的。

I think his words irrelevant to our topic 我認為他的話不切我們的話題。

Our discussions got bogged down in irrelevant detail 我們的討論糾纏在無關緊要的細節上

No . you see , maybe it is irrelevant , 不.你看,好像現在說什么都沒有用了,

A poor relation is the most irrelevant thing in nature 窮親戚是實際上最不相干的東西。

Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant 你的性別、膚色、種族都無關緊要了。

Kinestheic , irrelevant motion and path integration 布局無關運動與路徑整合

The age of the automobile had rendered the place irrelevant 汽車時代使這里無關緊要。

Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant 甚至你的性別及膚色都將毫無關系。

Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail 盡量刪去你那文章中無關的細節