
irrefutable adj.無可辯駁的,不能反駁的,駁不倒的。 an irr...


Pseudoscience has the following characters : based on an authoritative text rather than observation or empirical investigation ; explain what nonbelievers cannot observe ; they are so vague that people can ' t test them ; rely on ancient myths and legends rather than on physical evidence ; have nonfalsifiable or irrefutable hypothesis , and the like 偽科學有如下特征:基于權威而不是觀察或實際調查;解釋一些認為不信則無的現象;觀點模糊,難以驗證;依據古代神話和傳說而不是事實;有著難以證偽或難以否定的假設前提;等等。

The main works and conclusions in this paper are as follows : ( 1 ) by the irrefutable datum and evidences and with the viewpoint of fire - protection economic , the author illustrated that : a ) as a traditional main fire - protection means that combine the systems conclude hydrant system , automatic fire alarm system and building separating system for fire protection , it is not efficient , let alone economic , so it should be abolished in complicated multi - layer building and high building 其主要工作和結論如下: ( 1 )通過確鑿有力的證據和數據,運用消防經濟學的觀點說明了: a )在功能復雜的多層建筑和高層建筑中,傳統的以消火栓滅火系統、建筑防火分區、火災自動報警滅火系統聯合滅火為主的滅火方式不高效,更不經濟,應被取消。

Though the standard analysis and the positive analysis and the systematic analysis , basing on the theories of information science and the information economics and the agricultural economics , and the irrefutable data and facts , this thesis discusses the development of the information resource during the agricultural industrialization and put forward the information strategy giving first place to the development of the information resource during the agricultural industrialization 通過規范分析和實證分析相結合,同時運用系統分析法,本文在信息論的基礎上,借鑒信息經濟學和農業經濟學的相關知識,以確鑿的數據和事實分析研究了農業產業化進程中信息資源開發的問題,最后提出了農業產業化中以信息資源開發為主的信息戰略。

However , it is still an irrefutable fact that the self - cultivation of the mind and morality lesson has not been going well for a long time . though there are reasons in many aspects , the reason of the course itself is undoubtedly the key 盡管如此,長期以來思想道德修養課整體實效不佳仍是一個不爭的事實,雖然原因是多方面的,但這門課程本身的原因無疑是其中關鍵的一環。

Though the interpretation of quantum mechanics is still outstanding , the accuracy of its results and predictions are irrefutable . this can be demonstrated by the various kinds of electronic technologies around us 縱使量子力學的解釋仍是懸而未決,但它的結果及預測等等的精確實在是毋庸致疑,我們只要環顧四周生活上的形形色色電子科技便知所言不虛。

Recently , some foreigners said that marxism cannot be defeated . that is so not because there are so many big books , but because marxism is the irrefutable truth 例5最近,有的外國人議論,馬克思主義是打不倒的。打不倒,并不是因為大本子多,而是因為馬克思主義的真理顛撲不破。

Today , over one hundred years later , luigi lavazza s . p . a is the irrefutable leader of the espresso market in italy , boasting nearly 45 percent of the total coffee market share 一百年后的今天,路吉?拉法札連鎖事業無疑已是意大利濃縮咖啡市場的領導品牌,占有約45 %的市場。

Second , the definition makes clear that systems can comprise more than one structure , and that no one structure holds the irrefutable claim to being the architecture 第二,該定義澄清了,系統能夠由超過一個結構組成,并且沒有一個結構能夠不能反駁的申明它就是架構。

Armed with these arguments , which seemed to her irrefutable , princess kuragin drove round to her daughters early one morning in order to find her alone 公爵夫人以這些她認為無法駁倒的論據武裝起來,一大早,為了要單獨和女兒見面,就出發去女兒的家。

This theory appears irrefutable , just because the act of delegating the will of the people can never be verified , since it has never existed 那種理論好像是駁不倒的,因為人民意志移交的活動是無法檢驗的。

When i shared with him my concept for the glory of creation , he got excited about it and helped me make it scientifically irrefutable 你們看過一點點預告我讓我弟弟當導演,若我講得太久,他就要打斷我。

This evidence need not be conclusive or irrefutable , and evidence rebutting the case may not be considered 這樣的初步證據不需要是確鑿無疑或者不可反駁的,并且案件中的反駁證據可能不會被考慮。

A commissar is the bearer of the emperor ' s law , and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement , sentence and punishment 政委是帝皇法則的傳達者,擁有執行判決和懲罰士兵的絕對權利。

Framing their earliest memories is the irrefutable evidence that something terrible happened in the time before 他們最早期的記憶框架就是在此以前曾經有可怕的事情發生最無可辯駁的證據。

“ where does she know , since “ organic go to work “ later , the weight that i drop but “ irrefutable evidence “ 她哪里知道,自從“有機上班”以后,我下降的體重可是“鐵證如山” 。

It has already been irrefutable fact that the chinese society is in great change and transition at present 中國社會目前處于大的變革與轉型時期已是不爭的事實。

It wasn ' t until then that i noticed an irrefutable fact : china was taking over the place 直到那一刻,我才注意到一個不容辯駁的事實?中國正在占領這個地方。

He studied effortlessly and became renowned as a powerful and irrefutable debater 他在寺院里學習表現出色很快地就成為院里最優秀的辯才。

The backwardness hi the urbanization is an irrefutable fact in the poverty - stricken areas 貧困地區城鎮化滯后是一個不爭的事實。