
ironical adj.1.冷嘲的,反語的;諷刺的。2.令人啼笑皆非的。...


Dolohov , denisov , and rostov were sitting facing pierre and seemed to be greatly enjoying themselves . rostov talked away merrily to his two friends , of whom one was a dashing hussar , the other a notorious duellist and scapegrace , and now and then cast ironical glances at pierre , whose appearance at the dinner was a striking one , with his preoccupied , absent - minded , massive figure 羅斯托夫和他的兩個朋友愉快地交談,其中一人是驍勇的驃騎兵,另一人是眾所周知的決斗家和浪蕩公子,他有時譏諷地望著皮埃爾,而皮埃爾在這次宴會上六神無主,沉溺于自己的思想感情中,此外,他那高大的身材也使大家驚訝不已。

But he was kind and gentle only with his own men , with timohin , and others like him , people quite new to him , belonging to a different world , people who could have no notion of his past . as soon as he was brought into contact with any of his old acquaintances , any of the staff officers , he bristled up again at once , and was vindictive , ironical , and contemptuous 但他只有在和本團的人,和季莫欣之類的人相處才是善良溫和的,這些人都是他新認識的,而且又處于和以前不同的環境,這些人不可能了解和知道他的過去而他一接觸到自己從前的相識,接觸到司令部的人,他立刻又豎起頭發變得兇狠好嘲弄倨傲。

“ i am not begging , my fine fellow , “ said the unknown to the servant , with so ironical an expression of the eye , and so frightful a smile , that he withdrew ; “ i only wish to say two or three words to your master , who gave me a commission to execute about a fortnight ago . “我可不是要錢的,親愛的。 ”陌生人對那仆人說,他的目光里帶著強烈的諷刺,臉上卻是一副可怕的微笑,把后者嚇得直往后退。 “我只想跟你的主人講幾句話,他在半個月以前曾讓我去辦過一件事。 ”

There is but one service i can render you , and for that i place myself entirely at your orders , that is , to present , or make my friends present , you everywhere ; besides , you have no need of any one to introduce you - with your name , and your fortune , and your talent “ monte cristo bowed with a somewhat ironical smile “ you can present yourself everywhere , and be well received 我只有一件事可以為您效勞,聽您的吩咐,由我或請我的朋友到處為您介紹。其實,您也無需任何人為您介紹憑您的大名您的財富和您的天才,基督山帶著一個近于諷刺意味的微笑鞠了一躬您可以到處自薦而受到很好的接待。

The count was already going out of the room when princess marya moved rapidly up to natasha , took her hand , and , with a heavy sigh , said : wait a moment , i want natashas expression as she looked at princess marya was ironical , though she did not know why 當伯爵從房里走出去,公爵小姐瑪麗亞便邁開疾速的腳步,走到娜塔莎跟前,握住她的一雙手,沉重地嘆一口氣說: “等一等,我要”娜塔莎連她自己也不知道在譏笑什么,她譏笑地瞧著公爵小姐瑪麗亞。

The council of the buccaneers had lasted some time , when one of them re - entered the house , and with a repetition of the same salute , which had in my eyes an ironical air , begged for a moment s loan of the torch 那幾個海盜商量了半天,其中一個才回到木屋來,再次向西爾弗敬了個禮在我看來,略帶點諷刺意味,想借火把暫用一下。

Hurrah - rah - rah ! thousands of voices roared . while the soldiers were shouting , kutuzov , bending forward in his saddle , bowed his head , and his eyes gleamed with a mild and , as it were , ironical light 在士兵們正在歡呼雀躍的時候,庫圖佐夫在坐騎上俯下身子,低下了頭,他的眼睛里閃爍出一種溫情的又仿佛是一種譏諷的亮光來。

“ but where hope does not find its way to the source of new , unknown possibilities , there the trifling , ironical play with the existing possibilities ends in boredom , or in outbreaks of absurdity “ ( 24 ) 希望若不成為新而未知之可能性的本源,那麼對現有可能性之無謂而反諷的玩弄將帶來無聊感,或甚至爆出許多荒謬之事。

Balashov could make no reply to this , and he bowed in silence . yes , four days ago , wintzengerode and stein were deliberating in this very room , napoleon continued , with the same confident and ironical smile “是的,四天前溫岑格羅德和施泰因在這個房間里開過會, ”拿破侖臉上仍然流露著譏諷的自信的微笑,繼續說下去。

Sire , we will do whatever is in our power to do , he answered gaily , arousing none the less an ironical smile among the gentlemen of the tsars suite by his bad french accent “ mafoi , sire , nousferonscequequiseradansnotrepossibilite , sire , ”他愉快地回答,但是他那蹩腳的法國口音,引起皇帝的侍從先生們的一陣譏笑。

The patriotic fervour of moscow , of which tidings reached petersburg with the tsar , was in ellens salon a subject of ironical , and very witty , though circumspect , raillery 在這個圈子里,人們冷嘲熱諷而又十分巧妙地盡管也很謹慎地譏笑莫斯科的狂熱,關于那種狂熱的消息,是隨皇上駕臨彼得堡而傳來的。

Perhaps , like that other god of whom the ironical tishbite spoke , he was talking , or he was pursuing , or he was in a journey , or he was sleeping and not to be awaked 也許,就像愛諷刺的提什比說到另一個上帝一樣,他也許正在聊天,或者正在狩獵,或者正在旅行的路上,要不就是睡著了還沒有被人叫醒。

Madame de villefort listened with avidity to these appalling maxims and horrible paradoxes , delivered by the count with that ironical simplicity which was peculiar to him 這一番話,伯爵是以他那特有的諷刺而又很真率的口吻講出來的,維爾福夫人貪婪地傾聽著這些令人膽寒的格言和可怕的怪論。

We should not believe the rumor easily the sharp critical , ironical assertion , much more speak it out by ourselves . many troubles among people can result from the word of mouths 不要輕易聽信別人所說批評論斷毀謗的話,自己更不可說這樣的話。人和人中間許多糾紛事故都是由人的嘴造出來的。

Mr . cruncher had no particular meaning in these sulky corroborations , but made use of them , as people not unfrequently do , to express general ironical dissatisfaction 克朗徹先生這一番懊惱的確證之詞,其實并無特別的意思,只不過用它的冷嘲熱諷發點牢騷罷了一般人也并非不常這么做的。

[ key ] what is ironical is that although an adult should never completely lose the light of his childhood imagination , sooner or later we have to knuckle down to reality (例子)諷刺的是盡管一個成年人永遠不會徹底失去童年時代的想象力,然而不久我們不得不在現實下疲于奔命。

The result of the battle had been disastrous . napoleon made ironical remarks during fabviers account of it , as though he had not expected it to be otherwise in his absence 拿破侖在法布維埃報告的中間插了幾句諷刺的話,好像沒有他在那兒,他并不期望事情會有別樣的結果。

What is ironical is that although an adult should never completely lose the light of his childhood imagination , sooner or later we have to knuckle down to reality (例子)諷刺的是盡管一個成年人永遠不會徹底失去童年時代的想象力,然而不久我們不得不在現實下疲于奔命。

He who has much looked on at the childish satisfaction of other people in their hobbies , will regard his own with only a very ironical indulgence 一個人如果常常觀察別人對于個人興趣愛好所流露出的孩子氣般的滿足,那他也會以一種幽默的寬容態度來對待自己的興趣愛好。