
ironclad adj. 裝甲的〔現在多用 armoured〕; 〔美國...


In course of writing this article , i collected much trade and enterprise information for the research basis , and get much more update data and datum by exchanging with many employee of chongqing cnc . it is the ironclad foundation of the article that i worked for marketing management and operating plan drawing . in there , i tried my best to explore the strategy of chongqing cnc in the future through marketing , organization conducting , financial management , time series ( arma ) statistics and strategy management means 同時,作者積極大膽探索所學理論和實際工作相結合,本文中充分運用了市場營銷、組織行為學、財務管理、統計時間序列分析、戰略管理等管理和分析工具,以理論和實際相結合向讀者全面、多角度詮釋重慶網通現在,并通過大量數據和理論結合探索重慶網通未來發展思路。

Light fortification ( ex ) : an ironclad mauler ` s grafted armor protects its vital areas and sneak attacks it resistant to extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks . anytime an ironclad mauler is hit by a critical hit or a sneak attack , it has a 25 % chance to resist the extra damage 次級護命:裝甲暴(泰提)熊的移植護甲能給他提供額外的保護,每當裝甲暴熊被重擊或偷襲命中時,他有25 %的幾率抵消這些額外的傷害。

And an ironclad , 65 - year deal with quebec on the purchase of labrador hydroelectric power confirmed suspicions of financial incompetence when it became clear that quebec would reap almost all of the profits until the agreement expires in 2041 為購買拉布拉多水電而同魁北克簽署的一份刻板的、長達65年的合同,當人們意識到在2041年合同終止前魁北克將攫取大部分利益時,更證明了人們對該省政府沒有財政管理能力的懷疑。

Unpromising material , but then france ' s dame or homme de fer does not need to be quite as ironclad as the former british prime minister 有形條件希望渺茫,但是這樣一來法國的鐵夫人或鐵男人卻無需像英國前首相那般強硬。

So early success isn ' t necessarily an ironclad guarantee that your baby will take the bottle when you really want her to 因此早期的成功并不一定保證你的寶寶會在你真正需要的時候接受奶瓶。

Ironclad maulers are magiclly engineered dire bears created to smash formations of opposing troops 裝甲暴(泰提)熊是為了打亂對方軍隊的陣形而利用可怕的熊類生物用魔法制造出來的。

Obviously in this new era , innovation can develop and this has become one ironclad principle 在這種環境下,唯有創新才能發展便成了一條鐵定的法則。

Enabling eset nod32 ’ s complete set of modules provides ironclad detection methods Eset nod32有利的成套單元鐵三角規定的檢測方法

As you know , it ' s ironclad . [ whispering ] we tried to reach freddy bender 你知道的這是打不破的我們試過找弗雷迪班德

As you know , it ' s ironclad . whispering we tried to reach freddy bender 你知道的這是打不破的我們試過找弗雷迪班德

Both great covens and an ironclad peace treaty with the lycans 偉大的組織和與狼人牢不可破的和平條約

I don ' t know , julie , this looks ironclad to me 我想不出, julie這個協議在我看來完美無缺

A series of ironclad facts put him to silence 一系列鐵的事實駁得他啞口無言。

Actually, these selection rules are not ironclad . 實際上,這些選擇規則并不是嚴格的。

These ironclad details are irrefutable proof in black and white . 鐵證如山。